julianschill / klipper-led_effect

LED effects plugin for klipper
GNU General Public License v3.0
647 stars 117 forks source link

Unknown command:"STOP_LED_EFFECTS" #155

Closed zuverck closed 11 months ago

zuverck commented 11 months ago

I followed the installation instructions. Even uninstalled and reinstalled.

Every time I get the following error when trying to use any command Unknown command:"STOP_LED_EFFECTS"

I even tried to move the led_effects.py into the klippy/extras directory after removing the linked file.

Still klipper doesn't pick up the command. Have stopped and restarted the service and rebooted the host several times.

get no errors during the installation on the terminal screen.

I don't see any errors or concerns in the Klippy log. (included below)

When I run : :~/klipper-led_effect$ ~/klippy-env/bin/python ~/klipper/klippy/klippy.py ~/printer_data/config/printer.cfg -v I don't see any errors or concern either. (included below)

Python version 3.9.2

Any suggestions?


# This file contains common pin mappings for the BIGTREETECH SKR mini
# E3 v2.0. To use this config, the firmware should be compiled for the
# STM32F103 with a "28KiB bootloader" and USB communication. Also,
# select "Enable extra low-level configuration options" and configure
# "GPIO pins to set at micro-controller startup" to "!PA14".

# The "make flash" command does not work on the SKR mini E3. Instead,
# after running "make", copy the generated "out/klipper.bin" file to a
# file named "firmware.bin" on an SD card and then restart the SKR
# mini E3 with that SD card.

# See docs/Config_Reference.md for a description of parameters.
[include mainsail.cfg]

step_pin: PB13
dir_pin: !PB12
enable_pin: !PB14
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 40
endstop_pin: ^PC0
position_endstop: 0
position_max: 233
homing_speed: 50

[tmc2209 stepper_x]
uart_pin: PC11
tx_pin: PC10
uart_address: 0
run_current: 0.580
stealthchop_threshold: 999999

step_pin: PB10
dir_pin: !PB2
enable_pin: !PB11
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 40
endstop_pin: ^PC1
position_endstop: -15
position_max: 218
position_min: -15
homing_speed: 50

[tmc2209 stepper_y]
uart_pin: PC11
tx_pin: PC10
uart_address: 2
run_current: 0.580
stealthchop_threshold: 999999

step_pin: PB0
dir_pin: PC5
enable_pin: !PB1
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 8
endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop # use beacon as virtual endstop
homing_retract_dist: 0 # beacon needs this to be set to 0
#endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop #^PC2
#position_endstop: 0.0
position_max: 250
position_min: -6

[tmc2209 stepper_z]
uart_pin: PC11
tx_pin: PC10
uart_address: 1
run_current: 0.580
stealthchop_threshold: 999999

step_pin: PB3
dir_pin: !PB4
enable_pin: !PD2
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 7.53118 #33.500
nozzle_diameter: 0.400
filament_diameter: 1.750
heater_pin: PC8
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
sensor_pin: PA0
control: pid
pid_Kp: 21.527
pid_Ki: 1.063
pid_Kd: 108.982
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 250
pressure_advance: 0.06

[tmc2209 extruder]
uart_pin: PC11
tx_pin: PC10
uart_address: 3
run_current: 0.650
stealthchop_threshold: 999999

heater_pin: PC9
sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104GT-2
sensor_pin: PC3
control: pid
pid_Kp: 54.027
pid_Ki: 0.770
pid_Kd: 948.182
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 130

[heater_fan heatbreak_cooling_fan controller_fan Motherboard_fan]
pin: PC7

pin: PC6

#[controller_fan Motherboard_fan]
#pin: PB15

serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f103xe_35FFD8054254393913562257-if00

kinematics: cartesian
max_velocity: 300
max_accel: 3000
max_z_velocity: 5
max_z_accel: 100

[static_digital_output usb_pullup_enable]
pins: !PA14

lcd_type: st7920
cs_pin: EXP1_7
sclk_pin: EXP1_6
sid_pin: EXP1_8
encoder_pins: ^EXP1_5, ^EXP1_3
click_pin: ^!EXP1_2

[output_pin beeper]
pin: EXP1_1

#stow_on_each_sample: False
#probe_with_touch_mode: True
#sensor_pin: ^PC14
#control_pin: PA1
#x_offset: -29.6
#y_offset: -41.5
#samples: 3
#speed: 2
#z_offset: 0

serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Beacon_Beacon_RevD_276DDBEA4E4B333448202020FF0A2919-if00
x_offset: -32.351 # update with offset from nozzle on your machine
y_offset: -4.854 # update with offset from nozzle on your machine
mesh_main_direction: x
mesh_runs: 2

[filament_motion_sensor btt_smartie]
detection_length: 7.0
extruder: extruder
switch_pin: !PC15
pause_on_runout: True ; This can be set to false to debug false positives putting the sensor in "monitor mode". The printer will not pause but it will run the runout_gcode below. 
event_delay: 3.0
pause_delay: 0.5
    M117 Runout Detected!

[delayed_gcode DISABLEFILAMENTSENSOR] ; This will disable the SFS 1 second after klipper starts
initial_duration: 1
  M117 Disabled Filament Sensor on Startup  
  SET_FILAMENT_SENSOR SENSOR=btt_smartie ENABLE=0 ; Put your filament sensor's name after SENSOR=

[gcode_macro SFS_ENABLE] ; Add this to PRINT_START
description: Enable smart filament sensor
    M117 ENABLING the Smart Filament Sensor
    G92 E0
    SET_FILAMENT_SENSOR SENSOR=btt_smartie ENABLE=1 ; Put your filament sensor's name after SENSOR=

[gcode_macro SFS_DISABLE] ; Add this to PRINT_END and PRINT_CANCEL
description: Disable smart filament sensor 
    M117 DISABLING the Smart Filament Sensor
    G92 E0
    SET_FILAMENT_SENSOR SENSOR=btt_smartie ENABLE=0 ; Put your filament sensor's name after SENSOR=

speed: 80
horizontal_move_z: 3
mesh_min: 10,15
mesh_max: 200.5,212
probe_count: 20,20
mesh_pps: 2,2
fade_start: 1
fade_end: 10
fade_target: 0
algorithm: bicubic
bicubic_tension: 0.2

home_xy_position: 147.351,119.854
z_hop: 5
speed: 50
z_hop_speed: 5

horizontal_move_z: 15
screw1: 61.351,205.854 #29, 201
screw1_name: back left
screw2: 226.6,205.854 #197, 201
screw2_name: back right
screw3: 61.351,35.854 #29,31
screw3_name: front left
screw4: 226.6,35.854 #197, 31
screw4_name: front right
screw_thread: CW-M4

# Enable object exclusion

# Enable arcs support
resolution: 0.1

[mcu rpi]
serial: /tmp/klipper_host_mcu

[neopixel neo]
pin: PA8
chain_count: 10
color_order: GRB
initial_RED: 0.9
initial_GREEN: 0.9
initial_BLUE: 0.9

#cs_pin: rpi:gpiochip0/gpio74
#spi_bus: spidev1.1

#accel_chip: adxl345
# 100, 100, 20

#[mcu rpi]
#serial: /tmp/klipper_host_mcu

#cs_pin: rpi:GPIO22
#spi_bus: spidev1.1
#accel_chip: adxl345
#    100, 100, 20  # an example

    # EXP1 header
    EXP1_1=PB5,  EXP1_3=PA9,   EXP1_5=PA10, EXP1_7=PB8,  EXP1_9=<GND>,
    EXP1_2=PA15, EXP1_4=<RST>, EXP1_6=PB9,  EXP1_8=PB15, EXP1_10=<5V>

# See the sample-lcd.cfg file for definitions of common LCD displays.
[gcode_macro _km_options]
# These are examples of some likely customizations:
# Any sheets in the below list will be available with a configurable offset.
#variable_bed_surfaces: ['smooth_1','texture_1']
# Length (in mm) of filament to load (bowden tubes will be longer).
variable_load_length: 30.0
# Hide the Octoprint LCD menu since I don't use it.
#variable_menu_show_octoprint: False
# Customize the filament menus (up to 10 entries).
#variable_menu_temperature: [
#  {'name' : 'PLA',  'extruder' : 200.0, 'bed' : 60.0},
#  {'name' : 'PETG', 'extruder' : 230.0, 'bed' : 85.0},
#  {'name' : 'ABS',  'extruder' : 245.0, 'bed' : 110.0, 'chamber' : 60}]
# Length of filament (in millimeters) to purge at print start.
variable_start_purge_length: 30 # This value works for most setups.
gcode: # This line is required by Klipper.
# Any code you put here will run at klipper startup, after the initialization
# for these macros. For example, you could uncomment the following line to
# automatically adjust your bed surface offsets to account for any changes made
# to your Z endstop or probe offset.

# This line includes all the standard macros.
[include klipper-macros/*.cfg]
# Uncomment to include features that require specific hardware support.
# LCD menu support for features like bed surface selection and pause next layer.
[include klipper-macros/optional/lcd_menus.cfg]
# Optimized bed leveling
[include klipper-macros/optional/bed_mesh.cfg]

# The sections below here are required for the macros to work. If your config
# already has some of these sections you should merge the duplicates into one
# (or if they are identical just remove one of them).
  _KM_IDLE_TIMEOUT # This line must be in your idle_timeout section.



filename: ~/printer_data/variables.cfg # UPDATE THIS FOR YOUR PATH!!!

path: /home/biqu/printer_data/gcodes # UPDATE THIS FOR YOUR PATH!!!
on_error_gcode: CANCEL_PRINT


#*# <---------------------- SAVE_CONFIG ---------------------->
#*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated.
#*# [beacon model default]
#*# model_coef = 1.5798042691050591,
#*#       1.9168672169482144,
#*#       0.7553323306496433,
#*#       0.3509517692042409,
#*#       0.28605998535201044,
#*#       0.07964413242467085,
#*#       -0.2993257351339919,
#*#       -0.024485417255165082,
#*#       0.27929312078396773,
#*#       0.08131111710577679
#*# model_domain = 3.263811798037882e-07,3.343095410240369e-07
#*# model_range = 0.200000,5.000000
#*# model_temp = 24.798879
#*# model_offset = 0.35300
#*# [bed_mesh default]
#*# version = 1
#*# points =
#*#     0.111496, 0.099243, 0.079925, 0.071554, 0.079146, 0.090226
#*#     0.079787, 0.066817, 0.051829, 0.042971, 0.054384, 0.064744
#*#     0.051879, 0.046127, 0.027522, 0.021658, 0.032500, 0.043926
#*#     0.053372, 0.044083, 0.025290, 0.017288, 0.024842, 0.032187
#*#     0.050290, 0.044236, 0.025214, 0.017237, 0.022838, 0.032573
#*#     0.054799, 0.047966, 0.027160, 0.020457, 0.027979, 0.037502
#*#     0.054980, 0.055263, 0.039006, 0.031929, 0.042806, 0.053456
#*# x_count = 6
#*# y_count = 7
#*# mesh_x_pps = 2
#*# mesh_y_pps = 2
#*# algo = bicubic
#*# tension = 0.2
#*# min_x = 70.046
#*# max_x = 131.954
#*# min_y = 88.7655
#*# max_y = 158.611
#*# [input_shaper]
#*# shaper_type_x = 2hump_ei
#*# shaper_freq_x = 57.2
#*# shaper_type_y = mzv
#*# shaper_freq_y = 39.8

Klippy debug info:

biqu@BTT-CB1:~/klipper-led_effect$ ~/klippy-env/bin/python ~/klipper/klippy/klippy.py ~/printer_data/config/printer.cfg -v
INFO:root:Starting Klippy...
WARNING:root:No log file specified! Severe timing issues may result!
INFO:root:Start printer at Tue Jul 18 12:14:23 2023 (1689696863.3 2252.9)
INFO:root:Declaration of '__main __octoprint' hides previous menuitem declaration
INFO:root:Declaration of '__main __sdcard' hides previous menuitem declaration
INFO:root:Declaration of '__main __sdcard __start' hides previous menuitem declaration
INFO:root:Declaration of '__main __setup __calib __delta_calib_auto' hides previous menuitem declaration
INFO:root:Declaration of '__main __setup __calib __delta_calib_man' hides previous menuitem declaration
INFO:root:Declaration of '__main __control __disable' hides previous menuitem declaration
INFO:root:Declaration of '__main __octoprint __abort' hides previous menuitem declaration
INFO:root:Declaration of '__main __sdcard __cancel' hides previous menuitem declaration
INFO:root:Declaration of '__main __setup __restart' hides previous menuitem declaration
INFO:root:Declaration of '__main __filament' hides previous menuitem declaration
INFO:root:Declaration of '__main __filament __loadf' hides previous menuitem declaration
INFO:root:Declaration of '__main __filament __loads' hides previous menuitem declaration
INFO:root:Declaration of '__main __filament __unloadf' hides previous menuitem declaration
INFO:root:Declaration of '__main __filament __unloads' hides previous menuitem declaration
INFO:root:Declaration of '__main __filament __feed' hides previous menuitem declaration
INFO:root:Declaration of '__main __tune __offsetz' hides previous menuitem declaration
INFO:root:Declaration of '__main __temp' hides previous menuitem declaration
INFO:root:Extruder max_extrude_ratio=0.266081
INFO:root:mcu 'mcu': Starting serial connect
DEBUG:root:Starting stk500v2 leave programmer sequence
DEBUG:root:Got b'\x05\x1cT\xed~' from stk500v2
DEBUG:root:mcu 'mcu': Unknown message 88 (len 15) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'mcu': Unknown message 88 (len 15) while identifying
DEBUG:root:new minimum rtt 2266.190: hrtt=0.000301 freq=72000000
WARNING:root:mcu 'mcu': got {'oid': 12, 'next_clock': 307867648, 'value': 31104, '#name': 'analog_in_state', '#sent_time': 2266.243010955, '#receive_time': 2266.269128996}
DEBUG:root:new minimum rtt 2266.348: hrtt=0.000300 freq=71959775
WARNING:root:mcu 'mcu': got {'oid': 21, 'next_clock': 314347648, 'value': 31105, '#name': 'analog_in_state', '#sent_time': 2266.347527913, '#receive_time': 2266.359130913}
INFO:root:Loaded MCU 'mcu' 105 commands (v0.11.0-200-g7511151a / gcc: (15:8-2019-q3-1+b1) 8.3.1 20190703 (release) [gcc-8-branch revision 273027] binutils: (2.35.2-2+14+b2) 2.35.2)
INFO:root:mcu 'rpi': Starting connect
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:new minimum rtt 2266.563: hrtt=0.000250 freq=71983205
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
WARNING:root:mcu 'mcu': got {'oid': 12, 'next_clock': 329467648, 'value': 31100, '#name': 'analog_in_state', '#sent_time': 2266.562656496, '#receive_time': 2266.569186496}
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
DEBUG:root:mcu 'rpi': Unknown message 86 (len 13) while identifying
WARNING:root:mcu 'mcu': got {'oid': 21, 'next_clock': 335947648, 'value': 31112, '#name': 'analog_in_state', '#sent_time': 2266.562656496, '#receive_time': 2266.65917133}
DEBUG:root:new minimum rtt 2266.843: hrtt=0.000092 freq=50000000
WARNING:root:mcu 'mcu': got {'oid': 12, 'next_clock': 351067648, 'value': 31120, '#name': 'analog_in_state', '#sent_time': 2266.562656496, '#receive_time': 2266.869146497}
DEBUG:root:new minimum rtt 2266.947: hrtt=0.000088 freq=49993135
WARNING:root:mcu 'mcu': got {'oid': 21, 'next_clock': 357547648, 'value': 31108, '#name': 'analog_in_state', '#sent_time': 2266.562656496, '#receive_time': 2266.959137288}
WARNING:root:mcu 'mcu': got {'oid': 12, 'next_clock': 372667648, 'value': 31103, '#name': 'analog_in_state', '#sent_time': 2266.562656496, '#receive_time': 2267.169188497}
INFO:root:Loaded MCU 'rpi' 113 commands (v0.11.0-241-gffb5105b / gcc: (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110 binutils: (GNU Binutils for Debian) 2.35.2)
MCU 'rpi' config: ADC_MAX=4095 CLOCK_FREQ=50000000 MCU=linux PCA9685_MAX=4096 PWM_MAX=32768 STATS_SUMSQ_BASE=256
INFO:root:mcu 'beacon': Starting serial connect
DEBUG:root:Starting stk500v2 leave programmer sequence
WARNING:root:mcu 'mcu': got {'oid': 21, 'next_clock': 379147648, 'value': 31107, '#name': 'analog_in_state', '#sent_time': 2266.562656496, '#receive_time': 2267.259146288}
DEBUG:root:Got b'' from stk500v2
DEBUG:root:mcu 'beacon': Unknown message 3 (len 18) while identifying
WARNING:root:mcu 'mcu': got {'oid': 12, 'next_clock': 394267648, 'value': 31106, '#name': 'analog_in_state', '#sent_time': 2266.562656496, '#receive_time': 2267.469138997}
DEBUG:root:new minimum rtt 2267.479: hrtt=0.000239 freq=32000000
WARNING:root:mcu 'mcu': got {'oid': 21, 'next_clock': 400747648, 'value': 31105, '#name': 'analog_in_state', '#sent_time': 2267.547232289, '#receive_time': 2267.559113664}
WARNING:root:mcu 'mcu': got {'oid': 12, 'next_clock': 415867648, 'value': 31104, '#name': 'analog_in_state', '#sent_time': 2267.547232289, '#receive_time': 2267.769143497}
INFO:root:Loaded MCU 'beacon' 27 commands (Beacon 1.0.0 / )
MCU 'beacon' config: ADC_MAX=4095 BEACON_ADC_SMOOTH_COUNT=16 CLOCK_FREQ=32000000 MCU=beacon STATS_SUMSQ_BASE=256
INFO:root:Configured MCU 'mcu' (1024 moves)
INFO:root:Configured MCU 'rpi' (1024 moves)
DEBUG:root:new minimum rtt 2268.532: hrtt=0.000164 freq=71992766
INFO:root:Starting heater checks for heater_bed
INFO:root:bed_mesh: generated points
Index |  Tool Adjusted  |   Probe
INFO:root:  0   | (42.4, 19.9)    | (10.0, 15.0)
INFO:root:  1   | (52.4, 19.9)    | (20.0, 15.0)
INFO:root:  2   | (62.4, 19.9)    | (30.0, 15.0)
INFO:root:  3   | (72.4, 19.9)    | (40.1, 15.0)
INFO:root:  4   | (82.4, 19.9)    | (50.1, 15.0)
INFO:root:  5   | (92.5, 19.9)    | (60.1, 15.0)
INFO:root:  6   | (102.5, 19.9)   | (70.1, 15.0)
INFO:root:  7   | (112.5, 19.9)   | (80.1, 15.0)
INFO:root:  8   | (122.5, 19.9)   | (90.2, 15.0)
INFO:root:  9   | (132.5, 19.9)   | (100.2, 15.0)
INFO:root:  10  | (142.6, 19.9)   | (110.2, 15.0)
INFO:root:  11  | (152.6, 19.9)   | (120.2, 15.0)
INFO:root:  12  | (162.6, 19.9)   | (130.2, 15.0)
INFO:root:  13  | (172.6, 19.9)   | (140.3, 15.0)
INFO:root:  14  | (182.6, 19.9)   | (150.3, 15.0)
INFO:root:  15  | (192.7, 19.9)   | (160.3, 15.0)
INFO:root:  16  | (202.7, 19.9)   | (170.3, 15.0)
INFO:root:  17  | (212.7, 19.9)   | (180.3, 15.0)
INFO:root:  18  | (222.7, 19.9)   | (190.4, 15.0)
INFO:root:  19  | (232.7, 19.9)   | (200.4, 15.0)
INFO:root:  20  | (232.7, 30.2)   | (200.4, 25.4)
INFO:root:  21  | (222.7, 30.2)   | (190.4, 25.4)
INFO:root:  22  | (212.7, 30.2)   | (180.3, 25.4)
INFO:root:  23  | (202.7, 30.2)   | (170.3, 25.4)
INFO:root:  24  | (192.7, 30.2)   | (160.3, 25.4)
INFO:root:  25  | (182.6, 30.2)   | (150.3, 25.4)
INFO:root:  26  | (172.6, 30.2)   | (140.3, 25.4)
INFO:root:  27  | (162.6, 30.2)   | (130.2, 25.4)
INFO:root:  28  | (152.6, 30.2)   | (120.2, 25.4)
INFO:root:  29  | (142.6, 30.2)   | (110.2, 25.4)
INFO:root:  30  | (132.5, 30.2)   | (100.2, 25.4)
INFO:root:  31  | (122.5, 30.2)   | (90.2, 25.4)
INFO:root:  32  | (112.5, 30.2)   | (80.1, 25.4)
INFO:root:  33  | (102.5, 30.2)   | (70.1, 25.4)
INFO:root:  34  | (92.5, 30.2)    | (60.1, 25.4)
INFO:root:  35  | (82.4, 30.2)    | (50.1, 25.4)
INFO:root:  36  | (72.4, 30.2)    | (40.1, 25.4)
INFO:root:  37  | (62.4, 30.2)    | (30.0, 25.4)
INFO:root:  38  | (52.4, 30.2)    | (20.0, 25.4)
INFO:root:  39  | (42.4, 30.2)    | (10.0, 25.4)
INFO:root:  40  | (42.4, 40.6)    | (10.0, 35.7)
INFO:root:  41  | (52.4, 40.6)    | (20.0, 35.7)
INFO:root:  42  | (62.4, 40.6)    | (30.0, 35.7)
INFO:root:  43  | (72.4, 40.6)    | (40.1, 35.7)
INFO:root:  44  | (82.4, 40.6)    | (50.1, 35.7)
INFO:root:  45  | (92.5, 40.6)    | (60.1, 35.7)
INFO:root:  46  | (102.5, 40.6)   | (70.1, 35.7)
INFO:root:  47  | (112.5, 40.6)   | (80.1, 35.7)
INFO:root:  48  | (122.5, 40.6)   | (90.2, 35.7)
INFO:root:  49  | (132.5, 40.6)   | (100.2, 35.7)
INFO:root:  50  | (142.6, 40.6)   | (110.2, 35.7)
INFO:root:  51  | (152.6, 40.6)   | (120.2, 35.7)
INFO:root:  52  | (162.6, 40.6)   | (130.2, 35.7)
INFO:root:  53  | (172.6, 40.6)   | (140.3, 35.7)
INFO:root:  54  | (182.6, 40.6)   | (150.3, 35.7)
INFO:root:  55  | (192.7, 40.6)   | (160.3, 35.7)
INFO:root:  56  | (202.7, 40.6)   | (170.3, 35.7)
INFO:root:  57  | (212.7, 40.6)   | (180.3, 35.7)
INFO:root:  58  | (222.7, 40.6)   | (190.4, 35.7)
INFO:root:  59  | (232.7, 40.6)   | (200.4, 35.7)
INFO:root:  60  | (232.7, 50.9)   | (200.4, 46.1)
INFO:root:  61  | (222.7, 50.9)   | (190.4, 46.1)
INFO:root:  62  | (212.7, 50.9)   | (180.3, 46.1)
INFO:root:  63  | (202.7, 50.9)   | (170.3, 46.1)
INFO:root:  64  | (192.7, 50.9)   | (160.3, 46.1)
INFO:root:  65  | (182.6, 50.9)   | (150.3, 46.1)
INFO:root:  66  | (172.6, 50.9)   | (140.3, 46.1)
INFO:root:  67  | (162.6, 50.9)   | (130.2, 46.1)
INFO:root:  68  | (152.6, 50.9)   | (120.2, 46.1)
INFO:root:  69  | (142.6, 50.9)   | (110.2, 46.1)
INFO:root:  70  | (132.5, 50.9)   | (100.2, 46.1)
INFO:root:  71  | (122.5, 50.9)   | (90.2, 46.1)
INFO:root:  72  | (112.5, 50.9)   | (80.1, 46.1)
INFO:root:  73  | (102.5, 50.9)   | (70.1, 46.1)
INFO:root:  74  | (92.5, 50.9)    | (60.1, 46.1)
INFO:root:  75  | (82.4, 50.9)    | (50.1, 46.1)
INFO:root:  76  | (72.4, 50.9)    | (40.1, 46.1)
INFO:root:  77  | (62.4, 50.9)    | (30.0, 46.1)
INFO:root:  78  | (52.4, 50.9)    | (20.0, 46.1)
INFO:root:  79  | (42.4, 50.9)    | (10.0, 46.1)
INFO:root:  80  | (42.4, 61.3)    | (10.0, 56.4)
INFO:root:  81  | (52.4, 61.3)    | (20.0, 56.4)
INFO:root:  82  | (62.4, 61.3)    | (30.0, 56.4)
INFO:root:  83  | (72.4, 61.3)    | (40.1, 56.4)
INFO:root:  84  | (82.4, 61.3)    | (50.1, 56.4)
INFO:root:  85  | (92.5, 61.3)    | (60.1, 56.4)
INFO:root:  86  | (102.5, 61.3)   | (70.1, 56.4)
INFO:root:  87  | (112.5, 61.3)   | (80.1, 56.4)
INFO:root:  88  | (122.5, 61.3)   | (90.2, 56.4)
INFO:root:  89  | (132.5, 61.3)   | (100.2, 56.4)
INFO:root:  90  | (142.6, 61.3)   | (110.2, 56.4)
INFO:root:  91  | (152.6, 61.3)   | (120.2, 56.4)
INFO:root:  92  | (162.6, 61.3)   | (130.2, 56.4)
INFO:root:  93  | (172.6, 61.3)   | (140.3, 56.4)
INFO:root:  94  | (182.6, 61.3)   | (150.3, 56.4)
INFO:root:  95  | (192.7, 61.3)   | (160.3, 56.4)
INFO:root:  96  | (202.7, 61.3)   | (170.3, 56.4)
INFO:root:  97  | (212.7, 61.3)   | (180.3, 56.4)
INFO:root:  98  | (222.7, 61.3)   | (190.4, 56.4)
INFO:root:  99  | (232.7, 61.3)   | (200.4, 56.4)
INFO:root:  100 | (232.7, 71.7)   | (200.4, 66.8)
INFO:root:  101 | (222.7, 71.7)   | (190.4, 66.8)
INFO:root:  102 | (212.7, 71.7)   | (180.3, 66.8)
INFO:root:  103 | (202.7, 71.7)   | (170.3, 66.8)
INFO:root:  104 | (192.7, 71.7)   | (160.3, 66.8)
INFO:root:  105 | (182.6, 71.7)   | (150.3, 66.8)
INFO:root:  106 | (172.6, 71.7)   | (140.3, 66.8)
INFO:root:  107 | (162.6, 71.7)   | (130.2, 66.8)
INFO:root:  108 | (152.6, 71.7)   | (120.2, 66.8)
INFO:root:  109 | (142.6, 71.7)   | (110.2, 66.8)
INFO:root:  110 | (132.5, 71.7)   | (100.2, 66.8)
INFO:root:  111 | (122.5, 71.7)   | (90.2, 66.8)
INFO:root:  112 | (112.5, 71.7)   | (80.1, 66.8)
INFO:root:  113 | (102.5, 71.7)   | (70.1, 66.8)
INFO:root:  114 | (92.5, 71.7)    | (60.1, 66.8)
INFO:root:  115 | (82.4, 71.7)    | (50.1, 66.8)
INFO:root:  116 | (72.4, 71.7)    | (40.1, 66.8)
INFO:root:  117 | (62.4, 71.7)    | (30.0, 66.8)
INFO:root:  118 | (52.4, 71.7)    | (20.0, 66.8)
INFO:root:  119 | (42.4, 71.7)    | (10.0, 66.8)
INFO:root:  120 | (42.4, 82.0)    | (10.0, 77.2)
INFO:root:  121 | (52.4, 82.0)    | (20.0, 77.2)
INFO:root:  122 | (62.4, 82.0)    | (30.0, 77.2)
INFO:root:  123 | (72.4, 82.0)    | (40.1, 77.2)
INFO:root:  124 | (82.4, 82.0)    | (50.1, 77.2)
INFO:root:  125 | (92.5, 82.0)    | (60.1, 77.2)
INFO:root:  126 | (102.5, 82.0)   | (70.1, 77.2)
INFO:root:  127 | (112.5, 82.0)   | (80.1, 77.2)
INFO:root:  128 | (122.5, 82.0)   | (90.2, 77.2)
INFO:root:  129 | (132.5, 82.0)   | (100.2, 77.2)
INFO:root:  130 | (142.6, 82.0)   | (110.2, 77.2)
INFO:root:  131 | (152.6, 82.0)   | (120.2, 77.2)
INFO:root:  132 | (162.6, 82.0)   | (130.2, 77.2)
INFO:root:  133 | (172.6, 82.0)   | (140.3, 77.2)
INFO:root:  134 | (182.6, 82.0)   | (150.3, 77.2)
INFO:root:  135 | (192.7, 82.0)   | (160.3, 77.2)
INFO:root:  136 | (202.7, 82.0)   | (170.3, 77.2)
INFO:root:  137 | (212.7, 82.0)   | (180.3, 77.2)
INFO:root:  138 | (222.7, 82.0)   | (190.4, 77.2)
INFO:root:  139 | (232.7, 82.0)   | (200.4, 77.2)
INFO:root:  140 | (232.7, 92.4)   | (200.4, 87.5)
INFO:root:  141 | (222.7, 92.4)   | (190.4, 87.5)
INFO:root:  142 | (212.7, 92.4)   | (180.3, 87.5)
INFO:root:  143 | (202.7, 92.4)   | (170.3, 87.5)
INFO:root:  144 | (192.7, 92.4)   | (160.3, 87.5)
INFO:root:  145 | (182.6, 92.4)   | (150.3, 87.5)
INFO:root:  146 | (172.6, 92.4)   | (140.3, 87.5)
INFO:root:  147 | (162.6, 92.4)   | (130.2, 87.5)
INFO:root:  148 | (152.6, 92.4)   | (120.2, 87.5)
INFO:root:  149 | (142.6, 92.4)   | (110.2, 87.5)
INFO:root:  150 | (132.5, 92.4)   | (100.2, 87.5)
INFO:root:  151 | (122.5, 92.4)   | (90.2, 87.5)
INFO:root:  152 | (112.5, 92.4)   | (80.1, 87.5)
INFO:root:  153 | (102.5, 92.4)   | (70.1, 87.5)
INFO:root:  154 | (92.5, 92.4)    | (60.1, 87.5)
INFO:root:  155 | (82.4, 92.4)    | (50.1, 87.5)
INFO:root:  156 | (72.4, 92.4)    | (40.1, 87.5)
INFO:root:  157 | (62.4, 92.4)    | (30.0, 87.5)
INFO:root:  158 | (52.4, 92.4)    | (20.0, 87.5)
INFO:root:  159 | (42.4, 92.4)    | (10.0, 87.5)
INFO:root:  160 | (42.4, 102.7)   | (10.0, 97.9)
INFO:root:  161 | (52.4, 102.7)   | (20.0, 97.9)
INFO:root:  162 | (62.4, 102.7)   | (30.0, 97.9)
INFO:root:  163 | (72.4, 102.7)   | (40.1, 97.9)
INFO:root:  164 | (82.4, 102.7)   | (50.1, 97.9)
INFO:root:  165 | (92.5, 102.7)   | (60.1, 97.9)
INFO:root:  166 | (102.5, 102.7)  | (70.1, 97.9)
INFO:root:  167 | (112.5, 102.7)  | (80.1, 97.9)
INFO:root:  168 | (122.5, 102.7)  | (90.2, 97.9)
INFO:root:  169 | (132.5, 102.7)  | (100.2, 97.9)
INFO:root:  170 | (142.6, 102.7)  | (110.2, 97.9)
INFO:root:  171 | (152.6, 102.7)  | (120.2, 97.9)
INFO:root:  172 | (162.6, 102.7)  | (130.2, 97.9)
INFO:root:  173 | (172.6, 102.7)  | (140.3, 97.9)
INFO:root:  174 | (182.6, 102.7)  | (150.3, 97.9)
INFO:root:  175 | (192.7, 102.7)  | (160.3, 97.9)
INFO:root:  176 | (202.7, 102.7)  | (170.3, 97.9)
INFO:root:  177 | (212.7, 102.7)  | (180.3, 97.9)
INFO:root:  178 | (222.7, 102.7)  | (190.4, 97.9)
INFO:root:  179 | (232.7, 102.7)  | (200.4, 97.9)
INFO:root:  180 | (232.7, 113.1)  | (200.4, 108.2)
INFO:root:  181 | (222.7, 113.1)  | (190.4, 108.2)
INFO:root:  182 | (212.7, 113.1)  | (180.3, 108.2)
INFO:root:  183 | (202.7, 113.1)  | (170.3, 108.2)
INFO:root:  184 | (192.7, 113.1)  | (160.3, 108.2)
INFO:root:  185 | (182.6, 113.1)  | (150.3, 108.2)
INFO:root:  186 | (172.6, 113.1)  | (140.3, 108.2)
INFO:root:  187 | (162.6, 113.1)  | (130.2, 108.2)
INFO:root:  188 | (152.6, 113.1)  | (120.2, 108.2)
INFO:root:  189 | (142.6, 113.1)  | (110.2, 108.2)
INFO:root:  190 | (132.5, 113.1)  | (100.2, 108.2)
INFO:root:  191 | (122.5, 113.1)  | (90.2, 108.2)
INFO:root:  192 | (112.5, 113.1)  | (80.1, 108.2)
INFO:root:  193 | (102.5, 113.1)  | (70.1, 108.2)
INFO:root:  194 | (92.5, 113.1)   | (60.1, 108.2)
INFO:root:  195 | (82.4, 113.1)   | (50.1, 108.2)
INFO:root:  196 | (72.4, 113.1)   | (40.1, 108.2)
INFO:root:  197 | (62.4, 113.1)   | (30.0, 108.2)
INFO:root:  198 | (52.4, 113.1)   | (20.0, 108.2)
INFO:root:  199 | (42.4, 113.1)   | (10.0, 108.2)
INFO:root:  200 | (42.4, 123.5)   | (10.0, 118.6)
INFO:root:  201 | (52.4, 123.5)   | (20.0, 118.6)
INFO:root:  202 | (62.4, 123.5)   | (30.0, 118.6)
INFO:root:  203 | (72.4, 123.5)   | (40.1, 118.6)
INFO:root:  204 | (82.4, 123.5)   | (50.1, 118.6)
INFO:root:  205 | (92.5, 123.5)   | (60.1, 118.6)
INFO:root:  206 | (102.5, 123.5)  | (70.1, 118.6)
INFO:root:  207 | (112.5, 123.5)  | (80.1, 118.6)
INFO:root:  208 | (122.5, 123.5)  | (90.2, 118.6)
INFO:root:  209 | (132.5, 123.5)  | (100.2, 118.6)
INFO:root:  210 | (142.6, 123.5)  | (110.2, 118.6)
INFO:root:  211 | (152.6, 123.5)  | (120.2, 118.6)
INFO:root:  212 | (162.6, 123.5)  | (130.2, 118.6)
INFO:root:  213 | (172.6, 123.5)  | (140.3, 118.6)
INFO:root:  214 | (182.6, 123.5)  | (150.3, 118.6)
INFO:root:  215 | (192.7, 123.5)  | (160.3, 118.6)
INFO:root:  216 | (202.7, 123.5)  | (170.3, 118.6)
INFO:root:  217 | (212.7, 123.5)  | (180.3, 118.6)
INFO:root:  218 | (222.7, 123.5)  | (190.4, 118.6)
INFO:root:  219 | (232.7, 123.5)  | (200.4, 118.6)
INFO:root:  220 | (232.7, 133.8)  | (200.4, 129.0)
INFO:root:  221 | (222.7, 133.8)  | (190.4, 129.0)
INFO:root:  222 | (212.7, 133.8)  | (180.3, 129.0)
INFO:root:  223 | (202.7, 133.8)  | (170.3, 129.0)
INFO:root:  224 | (192.7, 133.8)  | (160.3, 129.0)
INFO:root:  225 | (182.6, 133.8)  | (150.3, 129.0)
INFO:root:  226 | (172.6, 133.8)  | (140.3, 129.0)
INFO:root:  227 | (162.6, 133.8)  | (130.2, 129.0)
INFO:root:  228 | (152.6, 133.8)  | (120.2, 129.0)
INFO:root:  229 | (142.6, 133.8)  | (110.2, 129.0)
INFO:root:  230 | (132.5, 133.8)  | (100.2, 129.0)
INFO:root:  231 | (122.5, 133.8)  | (90.2, 129.0)
INFO:root:  232 | (112.5, 133.8)  | (80.1, 129.0)
INFO:root:  233 | (102.5, 133.8)  | (70.1, 129.0)
INFO:root:  234 | (92.5, 133.8)   | (60.1, 129.0)
INFO:root:  235 | (82.4, 133.8)   | (50.1, 129.0)
INFO:root:  236 | (72.4, 133.8)   | (40.1, 129.0)
INFO:root:  237 | (62.4, 133.8)   | (30.0, 129.0)
INFO:root:  238 | (52.4, 133.8)   | (20.0, 129.0)
INFO:root:  239 | (42.4, 133.8)   | (10.0, 129.0)
INFO:root:  240 | (42.4, 144.2)   | (10.0, 139.3)
INFO:root:  241 | (52.4, 144.2)   | (20.0, 139.3)
INFO:root:  242 | (62.4, 144.2)   | (30.0, 139.3)
INFO:root:  243 | (72.4, 144.2)   | (40.1, 139.3)
INFO:root:  244 | (82.4, 144.2)   | (50.1, 139.3)
INFO:root:  245 | (92.5, 144.2)   | (60.1, 139.3)
INFO:root:  246 | (102.5, 144.2)  | (70.1, 139.3)
INFO:root:  247 | (112.5, 144.2)  | (80.1, 139.3)
INFO:root:  248 | (122.5, 144.2)  | (90.2, 139.3)
INFO:root:  249 | (132.5, 144.2)  | (100.2, 139.3)
INFO:root:  250 | (142.6, 144.2)  | (110.2, 139.3)
INFO:root:  251 | (152.6, 144.2)  | (120.2, 139.3)
INFO:root:  252 | (162.6, 144.2)  | (130.2, 139.3)
INFO:root:  253 | (172.6, 144.2)  | (140.3, 139.3)
INFO:root:  254 | (182.6, 144.2)  | (150.3, 139.3)
INFO:root:  255 | (192.7, 144.2)  | (160.3, 139.3)
INFO:root:  256 | (202.7, 144.2)  | (170.3, 139.3)
INFO:root:  257 | (212.7, 144.2)  | (180.3, 139.3)
INFO:root:  258 | (222.7, 144.2)  | (190.4, 139.3)
INFO:root:  259 | (232.7, 144.2)  | (200.4, 139.3)
INFO:root:  260 | (232.7, 154.5)  | (200.4, 149.7)
INFO:root:  261 | (222.7, 154.5)  | (190.4, 149.7)
INFO:root:  262 | (212.7, 154.5)  | (180.3, 149.7)
INFO:root:  263 | (202.7, 154.5)  | (170.3, 149.7)
INFO:root:  264 | (192.7, 154.5)  | (160.3, 149.7)
INFO:root:  265 | (182.6, 154.5)  | (150.3, 149.7)
INFO:root:  266 | (172.6, 154.5)  | (140.3, 149.7)
INFO:root:  267 | (162.6, 154.5)  | (130.2, 149.7)
INFO:root:  268 | (152.6, 154.5)  | (120.2, 149.7)
INFO:root:  269 | (142.6, 154.5)  | (110.2, 149.7)
INFO:root:  270 | (132.5, 154.5)  | (100.2, 149.7)
INFO:root:  271 | (122.5, 154.5)  | (90.2, 149.7)
INFO:root:  272 | (112.5, 154.5)  | (80.1, 149.7)
INFO:root:  273 | (102.5, 154.5)  | (70.1, 149.7)
INFO:root:  274 | (92.5, 154.5)   | (60.1, 149.7)
INFO:root:  275 | (82.4, 154.5)   | (50.1, 149.7)
INFO:root:  276 | (72.4, 154.5)   | (40.1, 149.7)
INFO:root:  277 | (62.4, 154.5)   | (30.0, 149.7)
INFO:root:  278 | (52.4, 154.5)   | (20.0, 149.7)
INFO:root:  279 | (42.4, 154.5)   | (10.0, 149.7)
INFO:root:  280 | (42.4, 164.9)   | (10.0, 160.0)
INFO:root:  281 | (52.4, 164.9)   | (20.0, 160.0)
INFO:root:  282 | (62.4, 164.9)   | (30.0, 160.0)
INFO:root:  283 | (72.4, 164.9)   | (40.1, 160.0)
INFO:root:  284 | (82.4, 164.9)   | (50.1, 160.0)
INFO:root:  285 | (92.5, 164.9)   | (60.1, 160.0)
INFO:root:  286 | (102.5, 164.9)  | (70.1, 160.0)
INFO:root:  287 | (112.5, 164.9)  | (80.1, 160.0)
INFO:root:  288 | (122.5, 164.9)  | (90.2, 160.0)
INFO:root:  289 | (132.5, 164.9)  | (100.2, 160.0)
INFO:root:  290 | (142.6, 164.9)  | (110.2, 160.0)
INFO:root:  291 | (152.6, 164.9)  | (120.2, 160.0)
INFO:root:  292 | (162.6, 164.9)  | (130.2, 160.0)
INFO:root:  293 | (172.6, 164.9)  | (140.3, 160.0)
INFO:root:  294 | (182.6, 164.9)  | (150.3, 160.0)
INFO:root:  295 | (192.7, 164.9)  | (160.3, 160.0)
INFO:root:  296 | (202.7, 164.9)  | (170.3, 160.0)
INFO:root:  297 | (212.7, 164.9)  | (180.3, 160.0)
INFO:root:  298 | (222.7, 164.9)  | (190.4, 160.0)
INFO:root:  299 | (232.7, 164.9)  | (200.4, 160.0)
INFO:root:  300 | (232.7, 175.3)  | (200.4, 170.4)
INFO:root:  301 | (222.7, 175.3)  | (190.4, 170.4)
INFO:root:  302 | (212.7, 175.3)  | (180.3, 170.4)
INFO:root:  303 | (202.7, 175.3)  | (170.3, 170.4)
INFO:root:  304 | (192.7, 175.3)  | (160.3, 170.4)
INFO:root:  305 | (182.6, 175.3)  | (150.3, 170.4)
INFO:root:  306 | (172.6, 175.3)  | (140.3, 170.4)
INFO:root:  307 | (162.6, 175.3)  | (130.2, 170.4)
INFO:root:  308 | (152.6, 175.3)  | (120.2, 170.4)
INFO:root:  309 | (142.6, 175.3)  | (110.2, 170.4)
INFO:root:  310 | (132.5, 175.3)  | (100.2, 170.4)
INFO:root:  311 | (122.5, 175.3)  | (90.2, 170.4)
INFO:root:  312 | (112.5, 175.3)  | (80.1, 170.4)
INFO:root:  313 | (102.5, 175.3)  | (70.1, 170.4)
INFO:root:  314 | (92.5, 175.3)   | (60.1, 170.4)
INFO:root:  315 | (82.4, 175.3)   | (50.1, 170.4)
INFO:root:  316 | (72.4, 175.3)   | (40.1, 170.4)
INFO:root:  317 | (62.4, 175.3)   | (30.0, 170.4)
INFO:root:  318 | (52.4, 175.3)   | (20.0, 170.4)
INFO:root:  319 | (42.4, 175.3)   | (10.0, 170.4)
INFO:root:  320 | (42.4, 185.6)   | (10.0, 180.8)
INFO:root:  321 | (52.4, 185.6)   | (20.0, 180.8)
INFO:root:  322 | (62.4, 185.6)   | (30.0, 180.8)
INFO:root:  323 | (72.4, 185.6)   | (40.1, 180.8)
INFO:root:  324 | (82.4, 185.6)   | (50.1, 180.8)
INFO:root:  325 | (92.5, 185.6)   | (60.1, 180.8)
INFO:root:  326 | (102.5, 185.6)  | (70.1, 180.8)
INFO:root:  327 | (112.5, 185.6)  | (80.1, 180.8)
INFO:root:  328 | (122.5, 185.6)  | (90.2, 180.8)
INFO:root:  329 | (132.5, 185.6)  | (100.2, 180.8)
INFO:root:  330 | (142.6, 185.6)  | (110.2, 180.8)
INFO:root:  331 | (152.6, 185.6)  | (120.2, 180.8)
INFO:root:  332 | (162.6, 185.6)  | (130.2, 180.8)
INFO:root:  333 | (172.6, 185.6)  | (140.3, 180.8)
INFO:root:  334 | (182.6, 185.6)  | (150.3, 180.8)
INFO:root:  335 | (192.7, 185.6)  | (160.3, 180.8)
INFO:root:  336 | (202.7, 185.6)  | (170.3, 180.8)
INFO:root:  337 | (212.7, 185.6)  | (180.3, 180.8)
INFO:root:  338 | (222.7, 185.6)  | (190.4, 180.8)
INFO:root:  339 | (232.7, 185.6)  | (200.4, 180.8)
INFO:root:  340 | (232.7, 196.0)  | (200.4, 191.1)
INFO:root:  341 | (222.7, 196.0)  | (190.4, 191.1)
INFO:root:  342 | (212.7, 196.0)  | (180.3, 191.1)
INFO:root:  343 | (202.7, 196.0)  | (170.3, 191.1)
INFO:root:  344 | (192.7, 196.0)  | (160.3, 191.1)
INFO:root:  345 | (182.6, 196.0)  | (150.3, 191.1)
INFO:root:  346 | (172.6, 196.0)  | (140.3, 191.1)
INFO:root:  347 | (162.6, 196.0)  | (130.2, 191.1)
INFO:root:  348 | (152.6, 196.0)  | (120.2, 191.1)
INFO:root:  349 | (142.6, 196.0)  | (110.2, 191.1)
INFO:root:  350 | (132.5, 196.0)  | (100.2, 191.1)
INFO:root:  351 | (122.5, 196.0)  | (90.2, 191.1)
INFO:root:  352 | (112.5, 196.0)  | (80.1, 191.1)
INFO:root:  353 | (102.5, 196.0)  | (70.1, 191.1)
INFO:root:  354 | (92.5, 196.0)   | (60.1, 191.1)
INFO:root:  355 | (82.4, 196.0)   | (50.1, 191.1)
INFO:root:  356 | (72.4, 196.0)   | (40.1, 191.1)
INFO:root:  357 | (62.4, 196.0)   | (30.0, 191.1)
INFO:root:  358 | (52.4, 196.0)   | (20.0, 191.1)
INFO:root:  359 | (42.4, 196.0)   | (10.0, 191.1)
INFO:root:  360 | (42.4, 206.3)   | (10.0, 201.5)
INFO:root:  361 | (52.4, 206.3)   | (20.0, 201.5)
INFO:root:  362 | (62.4, 206.3)   | (30.0, 201.5)
INFO:root:  363 | (72.4, 206.3)   | (40.1, 201.5)
INFO:root:  364 | (82.4, 206.3)   | (50.1, 201.5)
INFO:root:  365 | (92.5, 206.3)   | (60.1, 201.5)
INFO:root:  366 | (102.5, 206.3)  | (70.1, 201.5)
INFO:root:  367 | (112.5, 206.3)  | (80.1, 201.5)
INFO:root:  368 | (122.5, 206.3)  | (90.2, 201.5)
INFO:root:  369 | (132.5, 206.3)  | (100.2, 201.5)
INFO:root:  370 | (142.6, 206.3)  | (110.2, 201.5)
INFO:root:  371 | (152.6, 206.3)  | (120.2, 201.5)
INFO:root:  372 | (162.6, 206.3)  | (130.2, 201.5)
INFO:root:  373 | (172.6, 206.3)  | (140.3, 201.5)
INFO:root:  374 | (182.6, 206.3)  | (150.3, 201.5)
INFO:root:  375 | (192.7, 206.3)  | (160.3, 201.5)
INFO:root:  376 | (202.7, 206.3)  | (170.3, 201.5)
INFO:root:  377 | (212.7, 206.3)  | (180.3, 201.5)
INFO:root:  378 | (222.7, 206.3)  | (190.4, 201.5)
INFO:root:  379 | (232.7, 206.3)  | (200.4, 201.5)
INFO:root:  380 | (232.7, 216.7)  | (200.4, 211.8)
INFO:root:  381 | (222.7, 216.7)  | (190.4, 211.8)
INFO:root:  382 | (212.7, 216.7)  | (180.3, 211.8)
INFO:root:  383 | (202.7, 216.7)  | (170.3, 211.8)
INFO:root:  384 | (192.7, 216.7)  | (160.3, 211.8)
INFO:root:  385 | (182.6, 216.7)  | (150.3, 211.8)
INFO:root:  386 | (172.6, 216.7)  | (140.3, 211.8)
INFO:root:  387 | (162.6, 216.7)  | (130.2, 211.8)
INFO:root:  388 | (152.6, 216.7)  | (120.2, 211.8)
INFO:root:  389 | (142.6, 216.7)  | (110.2, 211.8)
INFO:root:  390 | (132.5, 216.7)  | (100.2, 211.8)
INFO:root:  391 | (122.5, 216.7)  | (90.2, 211.8)
INFO:root:  392 | (112.5, 216.7)  | (80.1, 211.8)
INFO:root:  393 | (102.5, 216.7)  | (70.1, 211.8)
INFO:root:  394 | (92.5, 216.7)   | (60.1, 211.8)
INFO:root:  395 | (82.4, 216.7)   | (50.1, 211.8)
INFO:root:  396 | (72.4, 216.7)   | (40.1, 211.8)
INFO:root:  397 | (62.4, 216.7)   | (30.0, 211.8)
INFO:root:  398 | (52.4, 216.7)   | (20.0, 211.8)
INFO:root:  399 | (42.4, 216.7)   | (10.0, 211.8)
INFO:root:Configured MCU 'beacon' (0 moves)
INFO:root:beacon: loaded fmin=2970310.45 from nvm
INFO:root:beacon: loaded fmin_temp=20.52 from nvm
INFO:root:beacon: built tempco model {'amfg': 1.0, 'tcc': -2.1429828e-05, 'tcfl': -1.8980091e-10, 'tctl': 3.673837e-16, 'fmin': 2970310.4496002197, 'fmin_temp': 20.519752963724443}
INFO:root:Starting heater checks for extruder
DEBUG:root:new minimum rtt 2269.187: hrtt=0.000086 freq=49999209
DEBUG:root:new minimum rtt 2269.949: hrtt=0.000207 freq=31996017
INFO:root:Active bed surface: default; offset: 0.000
DEBUG:root:new minimum rtt 2272.317: hrtt=0.000082 freq=49999463
zuverck commented 11 months ago

New to Klipper. Didn't realize the COMMANDS would load based on config. Once I added a effect to my printer.cfg it became available. I just had the neo pixel pin defined.