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blog/never-plan-what-book-to-read/ #5

Open utterances-bot opened 2 years ago

utterances-bot commented 2 years ago

Never plan what book to read · julia cooke

Just read whatever you want, whenever you want to.


hmadej commented 2 years ago

I agree for the most part but in the age of ebooks this can also be dangerous as it becomes an attention game. At least that’s what I have found with my behavior around ebooks, I will quickly discover something I want to read load a sample or buy the whole thing read a couple chapters, then at some point in the future repeat that and I have several partially read books.

And it is not so much they I found the book I was already reading boring, just that I found a new interesting rabbit hole to jump down. Almost like a form of digital “Tsundoku”.

For that reason I’ve partially moved back to physical books, but I’ve slowed my pace of reading books as I find using the eReader way more comfortable to read in most circumstances.

I believe/feel attention is like a muscle you can train it to become stronger, or let it atrophy. Maybe I have just let mine atrophy too much.