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Bootstrap confidence intervals for #TidyTuesday Super Bowl commercials | Julia Silge #5

Open utterances-bot opened 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

Bootstrap confidence intervals for #TidyTuesday Super Bowl commercials | Julia Silge

Estimate how commercial characteristics like humor and patriotic themes change with time using tidymodels functions for bootstrap confidence intervals.


martinsykora commented 3 years ago

As always, a fantastic post Julia and a really neat, clear walk-through... Just a small question, I was wondering why do you use facet_wrap(vars(name)) and not facet_wrap(~name), is it better to use facet_wrap(vars(..)) for any particular reason?

juliasilge commented 3 years ago

It's a newer way to specify the facets, but the "classic" interface with ~ definitely still works.

akwohlgenant commented 3 years ago

Hi Julia, Great job with this post; I learned a lot following along with your analysis. I really like the appearance of your plots. I like them so much, I tried to figure out how to mimic the appearance, and I saw you created a theme called theme_plex as part of one or your personal R packages. Do you mind if I borrow some of the bits of it in my own blog? I promise to give you full credit for coming up with it.

juliasilge commented 3 years ago

Absolutely @akwohlgenant! Go ahead; I borrowed a fair bit from Bob Rudis' hrbrthemes package, so you might take a look at that as well.

akwohlgenant commented 3 years ago

Thanks Julia, I will check that out. And thanks again for this blog; it is such a great resource. -Andy