juliasilge / supervised-ML-case-studies-course

Supervised machine learning case studies in R! 💫 A free interactive tidymodels course
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Chapter 4, exercise 3 - unnecessary instruction to load tidyverse #27

Closed ravichandrasekaran closed 5 years ago

ravichandrasekaran commented 5 years ago

In exc_04_03.R, there's an instruction to load the tidyverse. But tidyverse is already loaded in line 1 of the snippet (for readr::read_csv).

There's corresponding copy for that instruction in chapter_4.md, too: "Load the tidyverse package, for functions to manipulate data from dplyr and tidyr and visualize data from ggplot2."

Happy to submit a pull req. Really appreciate the effort you've put into the course, and especially the work in porting it and re-launching it.