julienV / Joomla-Tracks

Racing league extension for Joomla
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no winner displayed in race overview #62

Closed Frog65 closed 7 years ago

Frog65 commented 7 years ago

hi julien,

i dont know why the winner-name aren´t displayed in the race/saison-overview (calendar). i think it has work few days ago. (2 races we have until finished) https://abload.de/img/tracks_winnern2swk.jpg

(version first 3.0.6 than update to, but no change) do you have an idea? thanks


agentemurphy commented 7 years ago
yes, don't work function "Enable stats"

Il 09/04/2017 22:58, Frog ha scritto:

  hi julien,
  i dont know why the winner aren´t displayed in the
    race-overview (calendar).
    i think it has work few days ago.
  do you have an idea? thanks
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julienV commented 7 years ago

yes, you need to have 'enable stats' set to yes for your 'main' event type (e.g: race, not qualifying)

i guess, I should have set this by default to enabled, to prevent this upgrade issue.


agentemurphy commented 7 years ago
i have this parameter in enabled but don't work it :(

Il 10/04/2017 23:10, Julien Vonthron ha

  yes, you need to have 'enable stats' set to yes for your 'main'
    event type (e.g: race, not qualifying)
  i guess, I should have set this by default to enabled, to
    prevent this upgrade issue.

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julienV commented 7 years ago

really ? if possible, please send me an access to jlv@jlv-solutions.com

Frog65 commented 7 years ago

i have enabled this option and now the winner is visible!!! thanks