juliencegarra / OpenMATB

OpenMATB: A Multi-Attribute Task Battery promoting task customization, software extendability and experiment replicability
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Question about available keys for RESMAN #38

Closed mattonna closed 5 months ago

mattonna commented 6 months ago

Hi ! I was wondering if it would be possible to configure the RESMAN parameters in order to point to other keys thant the numeric pad ?

Indeed, I'm confronted to a laptop that has no numeric keypad.

I tried to define 0:00:00;resman;pump-1-key;1

But I got an error.

Any other suggestion ?


juliencegarra commented 5 months ago

Hi, could you provide a minimal scenario producing the error? Thanks

mattonna commented 5 months ago

Hi, here is a minimal scenario :

0:00:00;resman;displayautomationstate;False 0:00:00;resman;pump-1-key;1 0:00:00;resman;tolerancecoloroutside;(241, 100, 100, 255) 0:00:00;resman;start 0:01:00;resman;stop

This leads to this error : "Erreur à la ligne 2. pump-1-key devrait être une touche de clavier acceptable (et non 1). Voir la documentation."

juliencegarra commented 5 months ago

Could you try using the keys as indicated here: 0:00:00;resman;pump-1-key;_1 or 0:00:00;resman;pump-1-key;NUM1 (NUM1 for the 1 on the number pad)

The wiki (https://github.com/juliencegarra/OpenMATB/wiki) states to look there for the keys: https://pyglet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/programming_guide/keyboard.html but we need to improve that part to make it easier for sure!

mattonna commented 5 months ago

I tried 0:00:00;resman;pump-1-key;_1 and it worked. This is what I need, because the laptop I'm using has no number pad.

Thanks !