julienduroure / ExtraGroups

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Getting "update data to new addon version" after reloading scene file #5

Open shhlife opened 2 years ago

shhlife commented 2 years ago

My file is working fine at first, but after saving and reloading the blender file I'm getting this message in the panel - and clicking it does nothing to fix it.

Digging into the code, it seems to be returning True from: check_new_default_ops_in_new_addon_version(), and appears to be failing for dict id: f31027b2b65d4a90b610281ea09f08fb

Any suggestions on how to get it to work?

cheers! -Jason

julienduroure commented 2 years ago


Are you able to share a .blend file where the problem occurs? Was the original created in a blender version, and then open in another one? Same question for the addon version?