julienfastre / docker-sogo

Run sogo in a docker container.
GNU General Public License v2.0
28 stars 14 forks source link

Database errors #2

Closed marwey closed 7 years ago

marwey commented 7 years ago

Hi, I was setting up a SOGo docker installation based on this docker-compose file:

version: '2'

      image: julienfastre/sogo:3.2
         - /mnt/docker/sogo/prod/sogo:/etc/sogo
      image: postgres:9.5
      # for debug purpose only: reach the database from outside
      #   - "5432"
      image: memcached:1.4-alpine
      image: nginx
         # you will be able to serve assets from sogo image
         - sogo:ro
          # publish on port 80
          # - "80:80"
          # if port 80 is already in use, **replace** by this line. (for testing only) Note that, after login, you will have to add the ":8080" in url
         - "8080:80"
         - /mnt/docker/sogo/prod/nginx/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro

I configured access to an LDAP server in sogo.conf and can login just fine!

However, I receive the errors attached below when accessing the database.

Any idea what went wrong here?


db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_sessions_folder" does not exist at character 68
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT t1.c_creationdate, t1.c_id, t1.c_lastseen, t1.c_value FROM  sogo_sessions_folder t1 WHERE t1.c_id='w+gRET2JohCj84EFYApZ7A=='
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:56:54 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e45f460[GCSSessionsFolder]> -[GCSSessionsFolder recordForEntryWithID:]: cannot execute fetch: <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x55559e5be510> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x55559e5a55b0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x55559e5a5c80[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x55559e5a05e0>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_sessions_folder" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: ...iondate, t1.c_id, t1.c_lastseen, t1.c_value FROM  sogo_sessi...
sogo_1       |                                                              ^
sogo_1       |
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_sessions_folder" does not exist at character 13
db_1         | STATEMENT:  INSERT INTO sogo_sessions_folder (c_lastseen, c_creationdate, c_value, c_id) VALUES (1488815814, 1488815814, '7pFGqYqKXlsgGsU/NgmrzNBoMSpGfbmryB4S6bAQSmRz84RDTDrRaoP2tBKaKb1l8JjmV/73vsd6oJ076yXxizuH1boKVlWbU8ZavZ5WG1OJC8+8LCMnvfGt9CgPSrkogpv2B1s/iWsBvCzp9g+fU6EbQdGHo7JZYhrtW6vcE0fxuvk6hgSU8ZW0Sz4HjxQivtiJykh4tr/P249TMhY02w==', 'w+gRET2JohCj84EFYApZ7A==')
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:56:54 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e45f460[GCSSessionsFolder]> -[GCSSessionsFolder writeRecordForEntryWithID:value:creationDate:lastSeenDate:]: cannot write record: <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x55559e5a6840> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x55559e3403a0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x55559e340a70[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x55559e340c20>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_sessions_folder" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: INSERT INTO sogo_sessions_folder (c_lastseen, c_creationdate...
sogo_1       |                     ^
sogo_1       |
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:56:54 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e5c4130[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x55559e594f30> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x55559e5a55b0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x55559e5a5c80[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x55559e5a05e0>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 8
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:56:54 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e5c4130[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'UPDATE sogo_user_profile     SET c_defaults = '{"SOGoLanguage": "English"}'   WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x55559e4b95d0> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x55559e3403a0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x55559e340a70[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x55559e340c20>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
db_1         | STATEMENT:  UPDATE sogo_user_profile     SET c_defaults = '{"SOGoLanguage": "English"}'   WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | LINE 1: UPDATE sogo_user_profile     SET c_defaults = '{"SOGoLanguag...
sogo_1       |                ^
sogo_1       |
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:56:54 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e5c4130[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x55559e4cc710> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x55559e5a55b0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x55559e5a5c80[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x55559e5a05e0>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:56:54 sogod [7]: [WARN] <0x0x55559e5d4840[SOGoWebDAVAclManager]> entry '{DAV:}write' already exists in DAV permissions table
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:56:54 sogod [7]: [WARN] <0x0x55559e5d4840[SOGoWebDAVAclManager]> entry '{DAV:}write-properties' already exists in DAV permissions table
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:56:54 sogod [7]: [WARN] <0x0x55559e5d4840[SOGoWebDAVAclManager]> entry '{DAV:}write-content' already exists in DAV permissions table
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:56:54 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e535790[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x55559e536760> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x55559e3403a0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x55559e340a70[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x55559e340c20>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
nginx_1      | - - [06/Mar/2017:15:56:54 +0000] "POST /SOGo/connect HTTP/1.1" 200 43 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" "-"
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:56:54 sogod [7]: "POST /SOGo/connect HTTP/1.1" 200 43/86 0.041 - - 472K
nginx_1      | - - [06/Mar/2017:15:56:55 +0000] "GET /SOGo/so/SOGo/rouser HTTP/1.1" 302 0 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" "-"
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:56:55 sogod [7]: "GET /SOGo/so/SOGo/rouser HTTP/1.1" 302 0/0 0.003 - - 0
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:56:55 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e48a080[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x55559e477db0> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x55559e5a55b0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x55559e5a5c80[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x55559e5a05e0>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:56:55 sogod [7]: "GET /SOGo/so/SOGo/rouser/view HTTP/1.1" 302 0/0 0.005 - - 156K
nginx_1      | - - [06/Mar/2017:15:56:55 +0000] "GET /SOGo/so/SOGo/rouser/view HTTP/1.1" 302 0 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" "-"
nginx_1      | - - [06/Mar/2017:15:57:01 +0000] "GET /SOGo/so/rouser/Mail HTTP/1.1" 302 0 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" "-"
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [7]: "GET /SOGo/so/rouser/Mail HTTP/1.1" 302 0/0 0.003 - - 0
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e4b8260[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x55559e498fb0> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x55559e3403a0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x55559e340a70[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x55559e340c20>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e464d50[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x55559e5e66a0> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x55559e5a55b0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x55559e5a5c80[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x55559e5a05e0>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [7]: <0x0x55559e4c7020[NGLdapConnection]> Using ldap_init (deprecated) for LDAP host:port
sogo_1       | 2017-03-06 16:57:01.458 sogod[7] -[NGLdapConnection _searchAtBaseDN:qualifier:attributes:scope:]: search at base 'dc=mydomain,dc=com' filter '(|(cn=rouser)(mail=rouser))' for attrs '*'
nginx_1      | - - [06/Mar/2017:15:57:01 +0000] "GET /SOGo/so/rouser/Mail/view HTTP/1.1" 200 18932 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" "-"
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [7]: "GET /SOGo/so/rouser/Mail/view HTTP/1.1" 200 18932/0 0.072 75289 74% 2M
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [1]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559de77f50[WOWatchDog]> No child available to handle incoming request!
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e4b1f60[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x55559e3c0d80> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x55559e5a55b0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x55559e5a5c80[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x55559e5a05e0>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_folder_info" does not exist at character 21
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_path4 FROM sogo_folder_info WHERE c_path2 = 'rouser' AND c_folder_type = 'Appointment'
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e597240[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x55559e46a530> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x55559e5a55b0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x55559e5a5c80[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x55559e5a05e0>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_folder_info" does not exist at character 21
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_path4 FROM sogo_folder_info WHERE c_path2 = 'rouser' AND c_folder_type = 'Appointment'
nginx_1      | - - [06/Mar/2017:15:57:01 +0000] "GET /SOGo/so/rouser/Calendar/alarmslist?browserTime=1488815821 HTTP/1.1" 200 63 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" "-"
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [7]: "GET /SOGo/so/rouser/Calendar/alarmslist?browserTime=1488815821 HTTP/1.1" 200 63/0 0.007 - - 0
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [1]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559de77f50[WOWatchDog]> No child available to handle incoming request!
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e55f320[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x55559e56a5d0> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x55559e5a55b0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x55559e5a5c80[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x55559e5a05e0>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 8
db_1         | STATEMENT:  UPDATE sogo_user_profile     SET c_defaults = E'{"SOGoMailLabelsColors": {"$label5": ["Später", "#993399"], "$label2": ["Geschäftlich", "#FF9900"], "$label4": ["To-Do", "#3333FF"], "$label1": ["Wichtig", "#FF0000"], "$label3": ["Persönlich", "#009900"]}, "SOGoTimeFormat": "%H:%M", "SOGoCalendarCategories": ["Fragen", "Feiertag", "Geburtstag", "Klienten", "Jubiläum", "Kunde", "Besprechung", "Anrufe", "Verschiedenes", "Urlaub", "Persönlich", "Status", "Geschenke", "Ferien", "Konkurrenz", "Favoriten", "Ideen", "Lieferanten", "Reise", "Fortsetzung", "Geschäft", "Projekte"], "SOGoCalendarDefaultReminder": "NONE", "SOGoCalendarCategoriesColors": {"Lieferanten": "#CCCCCC", "Geschäft": "#CCCCCC", "Ideen": "#CCCCCC", "Persönlich": "#CCCCCC", "Ferien": "#CCCCCC", "Projekte": "#CCCCCC", "Geburtstag": "#CCCCCC", "Urlaub": "#CCCCCC", "Fragen": "#CCCCCC", "Jubiläum": "#CCCCCC", "Konkurrenz": "#CCCCCC", "Status": "#CCCCCC", "Feiertag": "#FFCC33", "Klienten": "#CCCCCC", "Fortsetzung": "#CCCCCC", "Anrufe": "#CCCCCC", "Verschiedenes": "#CCCCCC", "Reise": "#CCCCCC", "Besprechung": "#CCCCCC", "Geschenke": "#CCCCCC", "Kunde": "#CCCCCC", "Favoriten": "#CCCCCC"}, "SOGoLoginModule": "Mail", "SOGoDayStartTime": "08:00", "SOGoCalendarWeekdays": ["SU", "MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR", "SA"], "SOGoCalendarTasksDefaultClassification": "PUBLIC", "SOGoTimeZone": "Europe\\/Berlin", "SOGoRefreshViewCheck": "manually", "SOGoLanguage": "German", "SOGoMailSignaturePlacement": "below", "SOGoSelectedAddressBook": "personal", "SOGoContactsCategories": [" Freund", " Geschäftspartner", " Kollegin", " Konkurrenten", " Kunden", " Lieferant", " Presse", " VIP", "Familie"], "SOGoShortDateFormat": "%d-%b-%y", "SOGoFirstWeekOfYear": "January1", "SOGoDefaultCalendar": "selected", "SOGoFirstDayOfWeek": 0, "SOGoAlternateAvatar": "none", "SOGoCalendarEventsDefaultClassification": "PUBLIC", "SOGoMailComposeMessageType": "html", "SOGoGravatarEnabled": 0, "SOGoLongDateFormat": "%A, %B %d, %Y", "SOGoMailDisplayRemoteInlineImages": "never", "SOGoMailComposeFontSize": "0", "SOGoMailMessageForwarding": "inline", "SOGoDayEndTime": "18:00", "SOGoMailReplyPlacement": "below"}'   WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e55f320[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'UPDATE sogo_user_profile     SET c_defaults = E'{"SOGoMailLabelsColors": {"$label5": ["Später", "#993399"], "$label2": ["Geschäftlich", "#FF9900"], "$label4": ["To-Do", "#3333FF"], "$label1": ["Wichtig", "#FF0000"], "$label3": ["Persönlich", "#009900"]}, "SOGoTimeFormat": "%H:%M", "SOGoCalendarCategories": ["Fragen", "Feiertag", "Geburtstag", "Klienten", "Jubiläum", "Kunde", "Besprechung", "Anrufe", "Verschiedenes", "Urlaub", "Persönlich", "Status", "Geschenke", "Ferien", "Konkurrenz", "Favoriten", "Ideen", "Lieferanten", "Reise", "Fortsetzung", "Geschäft", "Projekte"], "SOGoCalendarDefaultReminder": "NONE", "SOGoCalendarCategoriesColors": {"Lieferanten": "#CCCCCC", "Geschäft": "#CCCCCC", "Ideen": "#CCCCCC", "Persönlich": "#CCCCCC", "Ferien": "#CCCCCC", "Projekte": "#CCCCCC", "Geburtstag": "#CCCCCC", "Urlaub": "#CCCCCC", "Fragen": "#CCCCCC", "Jubiläum": "#CCCCCC", "Konkurrenz": "#CCCCCC", "Status": "#CCCCCC", "Feiertag": "#FFCC33", "Klienten": "#CCCCCC", "Fortsetzung": "#CCCCCC", "Anrufe": "#CCCCCC", "Verschiedenes": "#CCCCCC", "Reise": "#CCCCCC", "Besprechung": "#CCCCCC", "Geschenke": "#CCCCCC", "Kunde": "#CCCCCC", "Favoriten": "#CCCCCC"}, "SOGoLoginModule": "Mail", "SOGoDayStartTime": "08:00", "SOGoCalendarWeekdays": ["SU", "MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR", "SA"], "SOGoCalendarTasksDefaultClassification": "PUBLIC", "SOGoTimeZone": "Europe\\/Berlin", "SOGoRefreshViewCheck": "manually", "SOGoLanguage": "German", "SOGoMailSignaturePlacement": "below", "SOGoSelectedAddressBook": "personal", "SOGoContactsCategories": [" Freund", " Geschäftspartner", " Kollegin", " Konkurrenten", " Kunden", " Lieferant", " Presse", " VIP", "Familie"], "SOGoShortDateFormat": "%d-%b-%y", "SOGoFirstWeekOfYear": "January1", "SOGoDefaultCalendar": "selected", "SOGoFirstDayOfWeek": 0, "SOGoAlternateAvatar": "none", "SOGoCalendarEventsDefaultClassification": "PUBLIC", "SOGoMailComposeMessageType": "html", "SOGoGravatarEnabled": 0, "SOGoLongDateFormat": "%A, %B %d, %Y", "SOGoMailDisplayRemoteInlineImages": "never", "SOGoMailComposeFontSize": "0", "SOGoMailMessageForwarding": "inline", "SOGoDayEndTime": "18:00", "SOGoMailReplyPlacement": "below"}'   WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x55559e5843d0> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x55559e3403a0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x55559e340a70[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x55559e340c20>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: UPDATE sogo_user_profile     SET c_defaults = E'{"SOGoMailLa...
sogo_1       |                ^
sogo_1       |
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e55f320[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x55559e695380> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x55559e5a55b0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x55559e5a5c80[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x55559e5a05e0>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e690450[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x55559e688b70> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x55559e3403a0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x55559e340a70[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x55559e340c20>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [7]: "GET /SOGo/so/rouser/jsonDefaults HTTP/1.1" 200 965/0 0.018 - - 664K
nginx_1      | - - [06/Mar/2017:15:57:01 +0000] "GET /SOGo/so/rouser/jsonDefaults HTTP/1.1" 200 965 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" "-"
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [1]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559de77f50[WOWatchDog]> No child available to handle incoming request!
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e6dcb10[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x55559e6ebba0> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x55559e5a55b0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x55559e5a5c80[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x55559e5a05e0>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [7]: "GET /SOGo/so/rouser/jsonSettings HTTP/1.1" 200 43/0 0.003 - - 0
nginx_1      | - - [06/Mar/2017:15:57:01 +0000] "GET /SOGo/so/rouser/jsonSettings HTTP/1.1" 200 43 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" "-"
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e58c0a0[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x55559e59ca80> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x55559e3403a0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x55559e340a70[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x55559e340c20>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e3ca270[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x55559e548610> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x55559e5a55b0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x55559e5a5c80[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x55559e5a05e0>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
sogo_1       | 2017-03-06 16:57:01.963 sogod[7] Host 'imap.example.tld' not found using 'gethostbyname()' - perhaps the hostname is wrong or networking is not set up on your machine
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e57c3a0[NGImap4ConnectionManager]> IMAP4 login failed:
sogo_1       |   host=imap.example.tld, user=rouser@example.tld, pwd=yes
sogo_1       |   url=imaps://rouser%40example.tld@imap.example.tld/?tls=YES
sogo_1       |   base=(null)
sogo_1       |   base-class=(null))
sogo_1       |   = <0x0x55559e689df0[NGImap4Client]: login=rouser@example.tld(pwd) address=<0x0x55559e4121d0[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host=imap.example.tld not-filled>>
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [7]: <0x55559e5901a0[SOGoMailAccount]:0> renewing imap4 password
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e57c3a0[NGImap4ConnectionManager]> IMAP4 login failed:
sogo_1       |   host=imap.example.tld, user=rouser@example.tld, pwd=yes
sogo_1       |   url=imaps://rouser%40example.tld@imap.example.tld/?tls=YES
sogo_1       |   base=(null)
sogo_1       |   base-class=(null))
sogo_1       |   = <0x0x55559e6dc970[NGImap4Client]: login=rouser@example.tld(pwd) address=<0x0x55559e557060[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host=imap.example.tld not-filled>>
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x55559e5901a0[SOGoMailAccount]:0> Could not connect IMAP4
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:01 sogod [7]: "GET /SOGo/so/rouser/Mail/0/view HTTP/1.1" 200 17/0 0.013 - - 556K
nginx_1      | - - [06/Mar/2017:15:57:01 +0000] "GET /SOGo/so/rouser/Mail/0/view HTTP/1.1" 200 17 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" "-"
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:02 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e3ccf80[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x55559e5629e0> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x55559e3403a0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x55559e340a70[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x55559e340c20>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:02 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e48ae10[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x55559e3dd510> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x55559e5a55b0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x55559e5a5c80[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x55559e5a05e0>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:02 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e57c3a0[NGImap4ConnectionManager]> IMAP4 login failed:
sogo_1       |   host=imap.example.tld, user=rouser@example.tld, pwd=yes
sogo_1       |   url=imaps://rouser%40example.tld@imap.example.tld/?tls=YES
sogo_1       |   base=(null)
sogo_1       |   base-class=(null))
sogo_1       |   = <0x0x55559e6aa6c0[NGImap4Client]: login=rouser@example.tld(pwd) address=<0x0x55559e545d80[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host=imap.example.tld not-filled>>
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:02 sogod [7]: <0x55559e558120[SOGoMailAccount]:0> renewing imap4 password
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:02 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e57c3a0[NGImap4ConnectionManager]> IMAP4 login failed:
sogo_1       |   host=imap.example.tld, user=rouser@example.tld, pwd=yes
sogo_1       |   url=imaps://rouser%40example.tld@imap.example.tld/?tls=YES
sogo_1       |   base=(null)
sogo_1       |   base-class=(null))
sogo_1       |   = <0x0x55559e68d7b0[NGImap4Client]: login=rouser@example.tld(pwd) address=<0x0x55559e695d80[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host=imap.example.tld not-filled>>
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:02 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x55559e558120[SOGoMailAccount]:0> Could not connect IMAP4
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:02 sogod [7]: "GET /SOGo/so/rouser/Mail/0/view HTTP/1.1" 200 17/0 0.010 - - 0
nginx_1      | - - [06/Mar/2017:15:57:02 +0000] "GET /SOGo/so/rouser/Mail/0/view HTTP/1.1" 200 17 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" "-"
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:02 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e3d95b0[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x55559e46ce50> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x55559e3403a0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x55559e340a70[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x55559e340c20>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:02 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e398ae0[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x55559e6e3be0> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x55559e5a55b0[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x55559e5a5c80[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x55559e5a05e0>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:02 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e57c3a0[NGImap4ConnectionManager]> IMAP4 login failed:
sogo_1       |   host=imap.example.tld, user=rouser@example.tld, pwd=yes
sogo_1       |   url=imaps://rouser%40example.tld@imap.example.tld/?tls=YES
sogo_1       |   base=(null)
sogo_1       |   base-class=(null))
sogo_1       |   = <0x0x55559e6a4c90[NGImap4Client]: login=rouser@example.tld(pwd) address=<0x0x55559e6e8ef0[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host=imap.example.tld not-filled>>
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:02 sogod [7]: <0x55559e4581f0[SOGoMailAccount]:0> renewing imap4 password
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:02 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x55559e57c3a0[NGImap4ConnectionManager]> IMAP4 login failed:
sogo_1       |   host=imap.example.tld, user=rouser@example.tld, pwd=yes
sogo_1       |   url=imaps://rouser%40example.tld@imap.example.tld/?tls=YES
sogo_1       |   base=(null)
sogo_1       |   base-class=(null))
sogo_1       |   = <0x0x55559e689ba0[NGImap4Client]: login=rouser@example.tld(pwd) address=<0x0x55559e6dc6a0[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host=imap.example.tld not-filled>>
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:02 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x55559e4581f0[SOGoMailAccount]:0> Could not connect IMAP4
sogo_1       | Mar 06 16:57:02 sogod [7]: "POST /SOGo/so/rouser/Mail/unseenCount HTTP/1.1" 200 21/31 0.011 - - 0
nginx_1      | - - [06/Mar/2017:15:57:02 +0000] "POST /SOGo/so/rouser/Mail/unseenCount HTTP/1.1" 200 21 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" "-"
julienfastre commented 7 years ago

@marwey Could you dump your sogo.conf file ? (please take care of removing sensitive data, like passwords and URL of your ldap server).

marwey commented 7 years ago

@julienfastre Thank you for looking into this! Please find below the sogo.conf file I am using. I haven't set up the SMTP server yet - just the LDAP server so far. Postgres configuration is also untouched and currently set as in the example conf file.

  /* Database configuration (mysql:// or postgresql://) */
  SOGoProfileURL = "postgresql://postgres:postgres@db:5432/postgres/sogo_user_profile";
  OCMDolderInfoURL = "postgresql://postgres:postgres@db:5432/postgres/sogo_folder_info";
  OCSSessionMDolderURL = "postgresql://postgres:postgres@db:5432/postgres/sogo_sessions_folder";

  /* Mail */
  //SOGoDraftMDolderName = Drafts;
  //SOGoSentFolderName = Sent;
  //SOGoTrashFolderName = Trash;
  SOGoIMAPServer = "imaps://imap.example.tld:143/?tls=yes";
  SOGoSieveServer = sieve://sieve.example.tld:4190;
  SOGoSMTPServer = smtp.example.tld;
  SOGoMailDomain = example.tld;
  SOGoMailingMechanism = smtp;
  SOGoForceExternalLoginWithEmail = YES;
  SOGoSMTPAuthenticationType = PLAIN;
  SOGoForceExternalLoginWithEmail = YES;
  //SOGoMailSpoolPath = /var/spool/sogo;
  //NGImap4ConnectionStringSeparator = "/";

  /* Notifications */
  //SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications = NO;
  //SOGoACLsSendEMailNotifications = NO;
  //SOGoFoldersSendEMailNotifications = NO;

  /* Authentication */
  SOGoPasswordChangeEnabled = NO;

  /* LDAP authentication example */
  /* LDAP authentication example */
  SOGoUserSources = (
      type = ldap;
      CNFieldName = cn;
      UIDFieldName = cn; // uid;
      IDFieldName = cn; // uid; // first field of the DN for direct binds
      bindFields = cn; // (uid, mail); // array of fields to use for indirect binds
      baseDN = "dc=mydomain,dc=com"; 
      bindDN = "cn=admin,dc=mydomain,dc=com";
      bindPassword = topsecret;
      canAuthenticate = YES;
      displayName = "Shared Addresses";
      hostname =;
//     encryption = SSL;
      id = public;
      isAddressBook = YES;

  /* LDAP AD/Samba4 example */
  //SOGoUserSources = (
  //  {
  //    type = ldap;
  //    CNFieldName = cn;
  //    UIDFieldName = sAMAccountName;
  //    baseDN = "CN=users,dc=domain,dc=tld";
  //    bindDN = "CN=sogo,CN=users,DC=domain,DC=tld";
  //    bindFields = (sAMAccountName, mail);
  //    bindPassword = password;
  //    canAuthenticate = YES;
  //    displayName = "Public";
  //    hostname = ldap://;
  //    filter = "mail = '*'";
  //    id = directory;
  //    isAddressBook = YES;
  //  }

  /* SQL authentication example */
  /*  These database columns MUST be present in the view/table:
   *    c_uid - will be used for authentication -  it's the username or username@domain.tld)
   *    c_name - which can be identical to c_uid -  will be used to uniquely identify entries
   *    c_password - password of the user, plain-text, md5 or sha encoded for now
   *    c_cn - the user's common name - such as "John Doe"
   *    mail - the user's mail address
   *  See the installation guide for more details
 // SOGoUserSources =
 //   (
 //     {
 //       type = sql;
 //       id = directory;
 //       viewURL = "postgresql://sogo:sogo@";
 //       canAuthenticate = YES;
 //       isAddressBook = YES;
 //       userPasswordAlgorithm = md5;
 //     }
 //   );

  /* Web Interface */
  SOGoPageTitle = mydomain;
  SOGoVacationEnabled = YES;
  //SOGoForwardEnabled = YES;
  //SOGoSieveScriptsEnabled = YES;
  //SOGoMailAuxiliaryUserAccountsEnabled = YES;
  //SOGoTrustProxyAuthentication = NO;
  //SOGoXSRFValidationEnabled = YES;

  /* General */
  SOGoLanguage = English;
  SOGoTimeZone = Europe/Berlin;
  //SOGoCalendarDefaultRoles = (
  //  PublicDAndTViewer,
  //  ConfidentialDAndTViewer
  //SOGoSuperUsernames = (sogo1, sogo2); // This is an array - keep the parens!
  //SxVMemLimit = 384;
  //WOPidFile = "/var/run/sogo/sogo.pid";

  // reach memcached through docker
  SOGoMemcachedHost = "memcached";

  // this has a great impact on performance: you should adjust the number
  // of workers according to the number of users and the performance of your
  // machine
  WorkersCount = 4;

  /* Debug */
  //SOGoDebugRequests = YES;
  //SoDebugBaseURL = YES;
  //ImapDebugEnabled = YES;
  LDAPDebugEnabled = YES;
  //PGDebugEnabled = YES;
  //MySQL4DebugEnabled = YES;
  //SOGoUIxDebugEnabled = YES;
  //WODontZipResponse = YES;
  //WOLogFile = /var/log/sogo/sogo.log;
julienfastre commented 7 years ago

No time to look at this today, by tomorrow or thursday I may do some tests.

Could your run your instance with PGDebugEnabled = YES; uncommented ? Maybe we will have more debug messages.

marwey commented 7 years ago

@julienfastre yes sure, no problem!

I've uncommented PGDebugEnabled = YES; and restarted the server. See the output below:

sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: |SOGo| request took 0.014426 seconds to execute
nginx_1      | - - [07/Mar/2017:10:45:23 +0000] "GET /SOGo/so/rouser/jsonDefaults HTTP/1.1" 200 965 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" "-"
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: "GET /SOGo/so/rouser/jsonDefaults HTTP/1.1" 200 965/0 0.015 - - 608K
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [1]: [ERROR] <0x0x557b6ead1f50[WOWatchDog]> No child available to handle incoming request!
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: |SOGo| starting method 'GET' on uri '/SOGo/so/rouser/jsonSettings'
sogo_1       | 2017-03-07 11:45:23.154 sogod[7] PG0x0x557b6f21f420 SQL: SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x557b6f1c0330[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x557b6f35c430> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x557b6f21f420[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x557b6f2047c0[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x557b6f204970>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: |SOGo| request took 0.002828 seconds to execute
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: "GET /SOGo/so/rouser/jsonSettings HTTP/1.1" 200 43/0 0.004 - - 0
nginx_1      | - - [07/Mar/2017:10:45:23 +0000] "GET /SOGo/so/rouser/jsonSettings HTTP/1.1" 200 43 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" "-"
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: |SOGo| starting method 'GET' on uri '/SOGo/so/rouser/Mail/0/view'
sogo_1       | 2017-03-07 11:45:23.158 sogod[7] PG0x0x557b6ef9a770 SQL: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x557b6f0c8290[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x557b6f315b70> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x557b6ef9a770[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x557b6ef9ae40[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x557b6ef9aff0>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | 2017-03-07 11:45:23.159 sogod[7] PG0x0x557b6f21f420 SQL: SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x557b6f0e6440[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x557b6f1eb840> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x557b6f21f420[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x557b6f2047c0[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x557b6f204970>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
sogo_1       | 2017-03-07 11:45:23.206 sogod[7] Host 'imap.example.tld' not found using 'gethostbyname()' - perhaps the hostname is wrong or networking is not set up on your machine
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x557b6f0c2a40[NGImap4ConnectionManager]> IMAP4 login failed:
sogo_1       |   host=imap.example.tld, user=rouser@example.tld, pwd=yes
sogo_1       |   url=imaps://rouser%40example.tld@imap.example.tld/?tls=YES
sogo_1       |   base=(null)
sogo_1       |   base-class=(null))
sogo_1       |   = <0x0x557b6f30b370[NGImap4Client]: login=rouser@example.tld(pwd) address=<0x0x557b6f36e030[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host=imap.example.tld not-filled>>
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: <0x557b6f0c6850[SOGoMailAccount]:0> renewing imap4 password
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x557b6f0c2a40[NGImap4ConnectionManager]> IMAP4 login failed:
sogo_1       |   host=imap.example.tld, user=rouser@example.tld, pwd=yes
sogo_1       |   url=imaps://rouser%40example.tld@imap.example.tld/?tls=YES
sogo_1       |   base=(null)
sogo_1       |   base-class=(null))
sogo_1       |   = <0x0x557b6f302fd0[NGImap4Client]: login=rouser@example.tld(pwd) address=<0x0x557b6f1c6800[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host=imap.example.tld not-filled>>
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x557b6f0c6850[SOGoMailAccount]:0> Could not connect IMAP4
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: |SOGo| request took 0.055327 seconds to execute
nginx_1      | - - [07/Mar/2017:10:45:23 +0000] "GET /SOGo/so/rouser/Mail/0/view HTTP/1.1" 200 17 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" "-"
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: "GET /SOGo/so/rouser/Mail/0/view HTTP/1.1" 200 17/0 0.056 - - 600K
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: |SOGo| starting method 'GET' on uri '/SOGo/so/rouser/Mail/0/view'
sogo_1       | 2017-03-07 11:45:23.365 sogod[7] PG0x0x557b6ef9a770 SQL: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x557b6efe4ff0[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x557b6efd9210> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x557b6ef9a770[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x557b6ef9ae40[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x557b6ef9aff0>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | 2017-03-07 11:45:23.365 sogod[7] PG0x0x557b6f21f420 SQL: SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x557b6f0c8290[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x557b6f0dbfd0> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x557b6f21f420[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x557b6f2047c0[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x557b6f204970>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x557b6f0c2a40[NGImap4ConnectionManager]> IMAP4 login failed:
sogo_1       |   host=imap.example.tld, user=rouser@example.tld, pwd=yes
sogo_1       |   url=imaps://rouser%40example.tld@imap.example.tld/?tls=YES
sogo_1       |   base=(null)
sogo_1       |   base-class=(null))
sogo_1       |   = <0x0x557b6f309610[NGImap4Client]: login=rouser@example.tld(pwd) address=<0x0x557b6f0e13b0[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host=imap.example.tld not-filled>>
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: <0x557b6f12c170[SOGoMailAccount]:0> renewing imap4 password
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x557b6f0c2a40[NGImap4ConnectionManager]> IMAP4 login failed:
sogo_1       |   host=imap.example.tld, user=rouser@example.tld, pwd=yes
sogo_1       |   url=imaps://rouser%40example.tld@imap.example.tld/?tls=YES
sogo_1       |   base=(null)
sogo_1       |   base-class=(null))
sogo_1       |   = <0x0x557b6f2f4d30[NGImap4Client]: login=rouser@example.tld(pwd) address=<0x0x557b6f0e1f00[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host=imap.example.tld not-filled>>
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x557b6f12c170[SOGoMailAccount]:0> Could not connect IMAP4
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: |SOGo| request took 0.007854 seconds to execute
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: "GET /SOGo/so/rouser/Mail/0/view HTTP/1.1" 200 17/0 0.009 - - 0
nginx_1      | - - [07/Mar/2017:10:45:23 +0000] "GET /SOGo/so/rouser/Mail/0/view HTTP/1.1" 200 17 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" "-"
nginx_1      | - - [07/Mar/2017:10:45:23 +0000] "GET /SOGo.woa/WebServerResources/fonts/FiraSans-Regular.woff HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" "-"
nginx_1      | - - [07/Mar/2017:10:45:23 +0000] "GET /SOGo.woa/WebServerResources/fonts/FiraSans-Medium.woff HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" "-"
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: |SOGo| starting method 'POST' on uri '/SOGo/so/rouser/Mail/unseenCount'
sogo_1       | 2017-03-07 11:45:23.501 sogod[7] PG0x0x557b6ef9a770 SQL: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x557b6f02ab40[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x557b6eff2c60> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x557b6ef9a770[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x557b6ef9ae40[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x557b6ef9aff0>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
sogo_1       | 2017-03-07 11:45:23.502 sogod[7] PG0x0x557b6f21f420 SQL: SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
db_1         | ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | STATEMENT:  SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x557b6f0cca20[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> could not run SQL 'SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rouser'': <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x557b6f129000> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error (channel=<0x0x557b6f21f420[PostgreSQL72Channel]: connection=<0x0x557b6f2047c0[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x557b6f204970>>): ERROR:  relation "sogo_user_profile" does not exist
sogo_1       | LINE 1: SELECT c_settings FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'rous...
sogo_1       |                                ^
sogo_1       |
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x557b6f0c2a40[NGImap4ConnectionManager]> IMAP4 login failed:
sogo_1       |   host=imap.example.tld, user=rouser@example.tld, pwd=yes
sogo_1       |   url=imaps://rouser%40example.tld@imap.example.tld/?tls=YES
sogo_1       |   base=(null)
sogo_1       |   base-class=(null))
sogo_1       |   = <0x0x557b6f0f8ea0[NGImap4Client]: login=rouser@example.tld(pwd) address=<0x0x557b6f3434c0[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host=imap.example.tld not-filled>>
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: <0x557b6f1ba910[SOGoMailAccount]:0> renewing imap4 password
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x0x557b6f0c2a40[NGImap4ConnectionManager]> IMAP4 login failed:
sogo_1       |   host=imap.example.tld, user=rouser@example.tld, pwd=yes
sogo_1       |   url=imaps://rouser%40example.tld@imap.example.tld/?tls=YES
sogo_1       |   base=(null)
sogo_1       |   base-class=(null))
sogo_1       |   = <0x0x557b6f0d27c0[NGImap4Client]: login=rouser@example.tld(pwd) address=<0x0x557b6f338fa0[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host=imap.example.tld not-filled>>
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: [ERROR] <0x557b6f1ba910[SOGoMailAccount]:0> Could not connect IMAP4
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: |SOGo| request took 0.008890 seconds to execute
nginx_1      | - - [07/Mar/2017:10:45:23 +0000] "POST /SOGo/so/rouser/Mail/unseenCount HTTP/1.1" 200 21 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" "-"
sogo_1       | Mar 07 11:45:23 sogod [7]: "POST /SOGo/so/rouser/Mail/unseenCount HTTP/1.1" 200 21/31 0.010 - - 0
nginx_1      | - - [07/Mar/2017:10:45:23 +0000] "GET /SOGo.woa/WebServerResources/fonts/FiraSans-Thin.woff HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" "-"
marwey commented 7 years ago

@julienfastre did you have time to look at the issue?

julienfastre commented 7 years ago


I have problem reproducing this bug...

It seems that the database schema is not created when you launch sogo. But I do not know why. Have you any hint ?

julienfastre commented 7 years ago

Sorry for the delay.

I could reproduce the bug.

On your part, could you have some hint ?

julienfastre commented 7 years ago

I could solve the problem by running docker-compose up --force-recreate

Sogo create schema lazingly at startup. It seems that the bug you mention appears when sogo initialize a first time the database, then the database is destroyed, and sogo restarted again.

When you re-create the container, it seems that sogo check the database schema again; this steps seems to be omitted after initial start. But when you recreate the container, the verification is done and the schema created, if required.

@marwey could you tell me if your bug is solved, or if, due to the long delay, this is no more relevant for you ?

marwey commented 7 years ago

@julienfastre - great the you were able to recreate the bug and that you could fix it! ;-) It still is relevant for me. Just didn't have an idea how to work around the issue.
Will test your proposed solution ASAP and let you if it worked for me.

Thanks again!

julienfastre commented 7 years ago

I am closing this issue. Please re-open it if your problem is not fixed.