julienkay / com.doji.genesis

MIT License
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Working API support #5

Open andybak opened 1 year ago

andybak commented 1 year ago

This repo is up to date with the current API: https://github.com/CatDarkGame/AISkyboxGenerator

julienkay commented 1 year ago

I'm currently looking at tighter integration with the Editor. I think I might build on top of the official Unity Plugin instead to leverage some of the existing and upcoming features there.

andybak commented 1 year ago

Just thinking some more about this. BlockadeLabs API now supports generating depth maps which simplifies things.

With regard to rendering depth - have you thought about doing something at the fragment shader level instead of displacing vertices?

I presume that's what you're doing but my memory is hazy as it's a couple of months since I looked at this project.

I think Facebook uses parallax occlusion mapping or similar for their 3D photos and I've always found their rendering rather effective.

I've not found anyone using a similar technique for 360 panoramas. I can't think of a reason why it wouldn't work. Would be it more or less taxing on hardware than using a displacement shader? I'm particularly interested in mobile XR myself.

julienkay commented 1 year ago

I hadn't considered it and I'm indeed just displacing vertices at the moment.

Some thoughts on performance:

My gut feeling is: Not worth it for performance reasons alone. Unless vertex stage is really your bottleneck, then go for it. (insert usual yada yada about profiling before optimizing... ) But I don't want to discourage you from trying, it's an interesting approach for sure.

Another somewhat related idea I'll throw in: I've thought about using the depth to render the skybox to a high res stereo cubemap and render that using a compositor layer / OVROverlay. Probably less parallax than either of the two other approaches, but curious if there's a quality gain to be had for this type of content.

andybak commented 1 year ago

I must admit I don't have the time or inclination to attempt to implement the fragment shader idea. Your gut feeling combined with the empirical evidence (why is nobody else doing it?) - and the fact that I have a TODO list as long as a very long arm is enough to persuade me to spend my time elsewhere.

Your stereo cubemap idea is interesting. I've just added custom skybox support into Open Brush and I've added support for equirectangular stereo over/under as a format.

The effectiveness is very dependent on good source input but it's cheap and impressive when it works well.