julienstroheker / MS-Hack-A-Doc

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Reviewing: https://support.office.com/fr-fr/article/Guide-de-d%c3%a9marrage-rapide-de-PowerPoint-2016-422250f8-5721-4cea-92cc-202fa7b89617?omkt=fr-CA&ui=fr-FR&rs=fr-CA&ad=CA#ID0EAABAAA=Collaborer #20

Open ChantalBosse opened 6 years ago

ChantalBosse commented 6 years ago

In "Collaborer" section, first paragraph, first sentence: "...enregistrez vos fichiers dsns le cloud". The word cloud should be replaced by "nuage", as per the French Language Office of Quebec, and in accordance with a France organization (http://www.granddictionnaire.com/ficheOqlf.aspx?Id_Fiche=26539677)