Open danielgarner64 opened 4 years ago
You can close the opened file in on_completion
method by overriding ChunkedUploadCompleteView
from chunked_upload.views import ChunkedUploadCompleteView
class MyUploadCompleteView(ChunkedUploadCompleteView):
def on_completion(self, uploaded_file, request):
Apart from that, the method on_completion(...)
is a hook which can be used to post process the file. In your case, I persume you can use the on_completion(...)
method itself to move the file
That was exactly what I attempted to do originally.
But while in the on_completion method I still get the error that the file is open.
Here is the error I get: [WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: 'C:\Users\bob\Desktop\DjangoUploadDownloadFirstDraft\media\chunked_uploads\2020\04\21\ddbf659a09364bfe924995b2894f3a01.part' [21/Apr/2020 15:07:11] "POST /chunkedUploadComplete/ HTTP/1.1" 500 24675
Code that gets the above error
def on_completion(self, uploaded_file, request):
chunked_upload = get_object_or_404(ChunkedFile, upload_id=request.POST.get("upload_id"))
uploaded_file = create_file_in_db_with_existing_file(
description=request.POST.get("description", ""),
Code that works and gets no error but is in the inappropriate location of get_response_data:
def get_response_data(self, chunked_upload, request):
uploaded_file = create_file_in_db_with_existing_file(
description=request.POST.get("description", ""),
redirect_to = "uploadDownloadApp:" + request.POST.get("source_page", "home")
messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, f"Successfully uploaded file {}")
return {"status": "success", "redirect_url": reverse(redirect_to)}
@danielgarner64 Is there any way I can reproduce this error ?
@jerinpetergeorge Here is a copy of a mini-project that reproduces the error, sorry for the lack of comments.
I tried to reproduce the issue, unfortunately, I couldn't. I have executed the given code as-is and both works just charm (Ubuntu OS)
Just confirmed, you are correct this is not a problem for Ubuntu with Python 3.6. I only get the bug in Windows 10 with Python 3.7. I'd say its not a big problem because its isolated to Windows. And its probably a Python/Windows issue rather than this projects issue.
In the ChunkedUploadCompleteView class in the post method there is the following call on line 286:
self.on_completion(chunked_upload.get_uploaded_file(), request)
This opens the uploaded file and returns it to the on_completion user method.This prevented me from moving the uploaded file to a separate database model as the file was open. I also couldn't do this work in the post_save method as it causes an error as the file is no longer present when the get_uploade_file attempts to open the file.
In the end I shifted the model shifting to the get_response_data method which allowed me to do what I want without modifying this project.