juliomalegria / python-craigslist

Simple Craigslist wrapper
MIT No Attribution
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Add "bundle_duplicates" base filter #50

Closed AlexaLempel closed 6 years ago

AlexaLempel commented 6 years ago

It would be nice to add the &bundleDuplicates=1 option to the list of base filters.

AlexaLempel commented 6 years ago

I don't really know my way around BeautifulSoup, but I modified your get_results method with an added "repost" field and that's been working pretty well for me to filter duplicates out on my own.

`def get_results(self, limit=None, start=0, sort_by=None, geotagged=False): """ Get results from Craigslist based on the specified filters.

    If geotagged=True, the results will include the (lat, lng) in the
    'geotag' attrib (this will make the process a little bit longer).

    if sort_by:
            self.filters['sort'] = self.sort_by_options[sort_by]
        except KeyError:
            msg = ("'%s' is not a valid sort_by option, "
                   "use: 'newest', 'price_asc' or 'price_desc'" % sort_by)
            raise ValueError(msg)

    total_so_far = start
    results_yielded = 0
    total = 0

    while True:
        self.filters['s'] = start
        response = requests_get(self.url, params=self.filters,
        self.logger.info('GET %s', response.url)
        self.logger.info('Response code: %s', response.status_code)
        response.raise_for_status()  # Something failed?

        soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')
        if not total:
            totalcount = soup.find('span', {'class': 'totalcount'})
            total = int(totalcount.text) if totalcount else 0

        for row in soup.find_all('p', {'class': 'result-info'}):
            if limit is not None and results_yielded >= limit:
            self.logger.debug('Processing %s of %s results ...',
                              total_so_far + 1, total)
    '''EDIT: ADDED repost FIELD'''
            repost = row.find_parent('li')
            if 'data-repost-of' in repost.attrs:
                repost = repost.attrs['data-repost-of']
                repost = None
            link = row.find('a', {'class': 'hdrlnk'})
            id = link.attrs['data-id']
            name = link.text
            url = urljoin(self.url, link.attrs['href'])

            time = row.find('time')
            if time:
                datetime = time.attrs['datetime']
                pl = row.find('span', {'class': 'pl'})
                datetime = pl.text.split(':')[0].strip() if pl else None
            price = row.find('span', {'class': 'result-price'})
            where = row.find('span', {'class': 'result-hood'})
            if where:
                where = where.text.strip()[1:-1]  # remove ()
            tags_span = row.find('span', {'class': 'result-tags'})
            tags = tags_span.text if tags_span else ''
            result = {'id': id,
                      'repost': repost,
                      'name': name,
                      'url': url,
                      'datetime': datetime,
                      'price': price.text if price else None,
                      'where': where,
                      'has_image': 'pic' in tags,
                      # TODO: Look into this, looks like all show map now
                      'has_map': 'map' in tags,
                      'geotag': None}

            if self.custom_result_fields:
                self.customize_result(result, row)

            if geotagged and result['has_map']:

            yield result
            results_yielded += 1
            total_so_far += 1

        if results_yielded == limit:
        if (total_so_far - start) < RESULTS_PER_REQUEST:
        start = total_so_far`
juliomalegria commented 6 years ago

Hey there @AlexaLempel. Thanks for the great suggestions! I've added the repost info on 273abda, and the bundle_duplicates filter in cc43988.


juliomalegria commented 6 years ago

New version release (1.0.6) including these changes!