juliosueiras / vim-terraform-completion

A (Neo)Vim Autocompletion and linter for Terraform, a HashiCorp tool
MIT License
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can't show doc of the current attribute/argument in vim #60

Open dansanabria opened 5 years ago

dansanabria commented 5 years ago

<leader>k in normal mode does nothing. Tried with calling terraformcomplete#GetDoc() but no luck :(

In my example I have the following code:

 28 resource "aws_security_group" "es" {
 29   name        = "${var.vpc}-elasticsearch-${var.domain}"
 30   description = "Managed by TF"
 31   vpc_id      = "${data.aws_vpc.selected.id}"
 32   ingress {
 33     from_port   = 443
 34     to_port     = 443
 35     protocol    = "tcp"
 36     cidr_blocks = [
 37       "${data.aws_vpc.selected.cidr_block}"
 38     ]
 39   }
 40 } 

I have the cursor in line 31 just on the i for id just after the ., when calling the function in verbose mode the following is recorded:

Calling shell to execute: "(/home/dan/.vim/bundle/vim-terraform-completion/autoload/../utils/get_doc /home/dan/.vim/bundle/vim-terraform-completion/autoload 'id' aws vpc datas attributes) >/tmp/vI9WPhY/7 2>&1"