juliosueiras / vim-terraform-completion

A (Neo)Vim Autocompletion and linter for Terraform, a HashiCorp tool
MIT License
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Documentation suggestions #9

Closed ccampanale closed 7 years ago

ccampanale commented 7 years ago

Please consider including a list of dependencies in your documentation for other's as ignorant as I was about vim plugins before today.

I confirmed vim was setup with +ruby/dyn and moved my couple modules over to vim-plug and was pulling my hair out trying to determine why it still wasn't working. I do believe the two plugins above were key to prevent further frustration. (That said, I'm still not entirely sure my linting is working after installing tflint...)

Also, a short blurb about example configuration and usage would be nice. (I personally found installing vim-supertab quite helpful.) Either way, usage examples explaining how your are using the plugin as seen in your awesome Asciinemas presentations would be a perfect addition.

Thanks for the awesome module; looking forward to continued development! :)

juliosueiras commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion, I am thinking using a docker container(quick one) to mimic a user env so I can make sure a brand new vim can use this plugin without too much hiccups

juliosueiras commented 7 years ago

Is the current one working? I added a minimal configuration on README.md

ccampanale commented 7 years ago

The updated README looks great! Thanks!

I started the Docker test you mentioned on this PR: https://github.com/juliosueiras/vim-terraform-completion/pull/14