juliusbenson / republickey

blockchain-based voting system
GNU General Public License v3.0
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web3 javascript #3

Open juliusbenson opened 8 years ago

juliusbenson commented 8 years ago

Ryan is signed up for this one. Get the page to talk to the contract using the web3 api, through mist. Suggested reading:


Bryan-Ray commented 8 years ago

This tutorial runs through some basic uses of the web3 api in a hands on fashion that I am slowly reading through. You guys may also find it useful: https://dappsforbeginners.wordpress.com/tutorials/javascript-api-1/

juliusbenson commented 8 years ago

it's easier to test out web3 code in the controlled environment of a private testnet. Here's how to set one up: http://tech.lab.carl.pro/kb/ethereum/testnet_setup

juliusbenson commented 8 years ago

This section of the javascript web3 api reference has examples on how to call contracts from web3 javascript code: https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JavaScript-API#web3ethcontract

juliusbenson commented 8 years ago

This forum post walks you through deploying the greeter contract: https://forum.ethereum.org/discussion/3455/how-to-use-online-solidity-compiler

juliusbenson commented 8 years ago

web3 library: https://github.com/ethereum/web3.js/tree/master/dist