juliusbenson / republickey

blockchain-based voting system
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Researching Avenues of RepublicKey application, MMORPGs & More #5

Open Bryan-Ray opened 8 years ago

Bryan-Ray commented 8 years ago

This will be a compilation of links in studying MMORPGs and perhaps other kinds of online communities to research applications of RepublicKey.

http://www.freemyvunk.com/ - An Ethereum project to create a blockchain market of in-game assets. Perhaps worth studying for how they interface an Ethereum project with MMORPGs?

http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/gaming-blockchain-trillion-dollar-jackpot-part-1-1542297 - News article discussing blockchains and MMORPGs, discusses Vunk.

http://evenews24.com/ - An Eve Online news and politics website. Will study it to get a sense of Eve's unique MMORPG culture to understand how RepublicKey may fit with the game.

https://medium.com/@MandelDuck/could-blockchain-game-items-be-the-treasure-of-the-future-dd80e7825d5b#.dqo8sijib - Another article discussing blockchains and MMORPGs, links to a few examples of games and blockchain tech

https://letstalkbitcoin.com/e86-virtual-worlds-real-money - Podcast discussing MMORPGS, blockchains, may give some ideas for interfacing RepublicKey and MMORPGs.

juliusbenson commented 8 years ago

Great links, Ryan, I've heard of freemyvunk before, good thing you brought it up. I'm gonna try to find some information on their plans for game plugins - I might try contacting some of the developers if I can't find anything online.