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Make search possible with more options #25

Open nepumuk-fs opened 2 years ago

nepumuk-fs commented 2 years ago

I'd like to be able to limit my search requests to specific days I travel within a timeframe, which isn't so clear to be choosable or can't be chosen right now.

I'd like to be able to choose (e. g.):

2. Klasse, Bahncard: --, ab: --:-- Uhr bis: --:-- Uhr (Abfahrtszeit) am: TT.MM. (Abfahrtstag), ab: --:-- Uhr bis: --:-- Uhr (Ankunftszeit) am: TT.MM. (Ankunftstag), max. 24 h Fahrzeit, max. ∞ Umstiege, max. 1:05 Std. Aufenthalt (pro Bahnhof), max. 1:05 Std. Aufenthalt (gesamt). Frühester Abfahrtstag: TT.MM., spätester Ankunftstag: TT.MM.; max. Preis: 40

Sometimes they could/may be contradictory, so maybe not all six time options should be chosen at the same time. ;-) I'm sure that limiting the search/finding options leads to a faster response time of the result(ing) page ;-)

Would it be too far in excess of the scope of this project to include which type of train (not) to choose?

PS: Many questions and ideas, maybe too many for one single issue…?