juliuste / bahn.guru

Deutsche Bahn ticket price calendar.
ISC License
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Map shows connected cities, search engine does not show anything #30

Open nekromoff opened 2 years ago

nekromoff commented 2 years ago

E.g. Vienna-Amsterdam, no connections found

theljonja commented 2 years ago

Yes I have the same issue. For example when I want to search a connection to London. Brussels -> London is a real life existing connection but there are no connection founds on bahn.guru

I think it's with connections that are not bookable with normal DB. If I want to book this connection from Germany to London in the official DB-website, I get redirected to international-bahn.de

My question to @juliuste : Does bahn.guru just scans the "normal" connections, beeing available on the normal Fahrplanauskunft or is it also be able to check the international-bahn information? And if it isn't implemented, is there an API to access these extended information? Or what if you connect several APIs of different train systems from different countries?

I think this occurs especially for connections not beeing in middle europe (London, Bordeaux etc.). Would be awesome if that can be implemented or if there at least to be an existing API-access to figure that out:)

werdahias commented 1 year ago

Same here. For example Munich to Bordeaux. The site works for Munich to Paris, but Paris to Bordeaux doesn't work. This has to be booked at the SNCF site. I think the solution is to add the APIs for all the other providers and include them when requesting.

werdahias commented 1 year ago

This could be easily added in src/api