julman99 / gson-fire

A java library that adds some very useful features to Gson, like Date serializing to unix timestamp or RFC3339, method (getters) serialization, pre/post processors and many others. Check out the documentation to learn how to use it!
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Preventing infinite recursion caused by circular references #29

Open lalpert opened 8 years ago

lalpert commented 8 years ago

Jackson has a solution to serializing classes with bidirection references using @JsonIdentityInfo (For example, see http://www.baeldung.com/jackson-bidirectional-relationships-and-infinite-recursion#json-identity-info). This way, you can serialize either object, and rather than causing a stack overflow error, it will just include a reference back to the object already included in the serialization. It seems like Gson does not have a solution like that. Could that be added to gson-fire?

julman99 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your suggestion, I will try to include this or something similar in 1.8.0 which I will be released around mid-oct.

Typografikon commented 6 years ago

Any progress with this issue? Is there some solution to handle cyclic reference and avoid stack overflow (other than remove one side of bidirectional reference)?


interappcci commented 6 years ago

Is there some update about that? I've been looking for a elegant solution to this since ever and nothing found. For while..

julman99 commented 6 years ago

Sorry I've been super busy and lost track of this. I'll think about something based on what @lalpert suggested and will reply back here before the end of the week with a timeline.

julman99 commented 6 years ago

Would it work if I create an annotation to override the type adapter of a particular field in a class? For example

public class Person {
    private int id;
    private String name;
    private House house;

public class House {
    private Person owner;

public class SimplePersonAdapter implements TypeAdapter<Person> {
     //this class just serializes a simplified version of a Person object, for example it could just serialize the id
julman99 commented 5 years ago

@interappcci, @lalpert I think I will include my suggestion in my previous comment since it solves also a different requirement that was raised to me the other day.

Does that work for both of you in regards to the circular reference problem?

aninfeel commented 5 years ago

I just need to cxclude a field at the second nested while serializing a object:

class User {
   String name;
   User createdBy;

class JsonRespWrap<D> {
   int code;
   User data;
  public JsonRespWrap (D data ) {
    this.data = data
    this.code = 0

User user = userDao.findOne(1)

gson.toJson(new JsonRespWrap(user)); //  data.createdBy.createdBy should be excluded but data.createdBy should be included

// here is the exclusion stratety

public class GsonExclusionStrategy implements ExclusionStrategy{

    public boolean shouldSkipClass(Class<?> clazz) {
        return true;

    public boolean shouldSkipField(FieldAttributes f) {
        //how to do whthout parent FieldAttributes (or a stack of FieldAttributeses) provided as parameter