The dashboard mockup doesn't display. But it's very nice!
Writing updates are needed, including but not just:
Huh? "To what extent are the following industries returns: Energy, Food, Transport, Metals, and Microchips, affected by the Russia-Ukraine war, in respect to historical moments during the war?"
To what extent did key events during the Russia-Ukraine war impact returns to firms in the energy, food, transport, metals, and microchips industries?
You copied my prompts and wrote below it. This is easy for me to follow but your proposal doesn't look like a stand alone document. So change the prompts. Ex: "If your project is about relationships, what are the hypotheses you’re testing?" --> "Hypotheses"
You need an "event_time" variable = days relative to nearest event
"10k files for sentiment analysis" is not a variable. I think you mean "% of firms in that industry whose 10k mentions Ukraine"
You'll probably want a variable like "excess return of firms whose 10-k mentions ukraine
You'll probably want a variable like "excess return of firms whose 10-k does NOT mention ukraine
# something LIKE but not actually
dl = Downloader("/Ukraine_filings")
for cik in ciks_in_our_industries: # you should get the correct CIK for firms in your industries
dl.get('10-K', cik, query="Ukraine")
dl = Downloader("/Russia_filings")
for cik in ciks_in_our_industries: # you should get the correct CIK for firms in your industries
dl.get('10-K', cik, query="Russia_filings")
# now count .. something LIKE but not actually
for industry in industries:
for cik in industry_ciks['industry']:
10k_counts[(cik,industry,'ukraine')] += count_files_in_directory('Ukraine_filings/{cik}/**.txt')
10k_counts[(cik,industry,'russia')] += count_files_in_directory('Russia_filings/{cik}/**.txt')
# convert that to a dataframe obj and merge with your main dataframe
A scattering of thoughts: