Generate a Strong, Unique Diffie Hellman Group. A few fixed groups are used by millions of servers, which makes them an optimal target for precomputation, and potential eavesdropping. Administrators should generate unique, 2048-bit or stronger Diffie-Hellman groups using "safe" primes for each website or server.
suggest: it is time-consuming to create new moduli on every build, so perhaps take a middle road and generate new moduli periodically and add the new moduli to this repo via git commit.
sample commands for a single size of 2047 bits (default) that show wall-clock time needed for the single size:
This git repo already removes DH-GEX moduli that are smaller than 2000 bits as recommended by and implemented with
suggest: it is time-consuming to create new moduli on every build, so perhaps take a middle road and generate new moduli periodically and add the new moduli to this repo via git commit.
sample commands for a single size of 2047 bits (default) that show wall-clock time needed for the single size: