Open Shachar opened 4 years ago
Ran into the same issue here for one of our clients.
The problem lies in the claims-mapping feature of Azure where it derives slightly from the OAuth2.0 flow. Stated in the Microsoft documentation: (
If your app has custom signing keys as a result of using the claims-mapping feature, you must append an appid query parameter containing the app ID in order to get a jwks_uri pointing to your app's signing key information. For example:{tenant}/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration?appid=6731de76-14a6-49ae-97bc-6eba6914391e contains a jwks_uri of{tenant}/discovery/v2.0/keys?appid=6731de76-14a6-49ae-97bc-6eba6914391e.
When your web app needs to authenticate the user, it can direct the user to the /authorize endpoint. This request is similar to the first leg of the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow, with these important distinctions:
- The request must include the openid scope in the scope parameter.
- The response_type parameter must include id_token.
- The request must include the nonce parameter.
A way to support this is to add a way of adding the clientID to the url when fetching the wellKnown, see example below:
private function getWellKnownConfigValue($param, $default = null) {
// If the configuration value is not available, attempt to fetch it from a well known config endpoint
// This is also known as auto "discovery"
if(!$this->wellKnown) {
$well_known_config_url = rtrim($this->getProviderURL(),'/') . '/.well-known/openid-configuration'
. '?appid=' . $this->clientID; // <-- EXAMPLE MODIFICATION
$this->wellKnown = json_decode($this->fetchURL($well_known_config_url));
Perhaps a setter for the well-known could be added or some other abstract way to provide this key-value pair to this request.
I ended up a different approach. For my own use, I did not need that mapping. Sadly, MS support sounded guarded when it became apparent we need to deconfigure it, and we ended up deleting and re-defining the app. I made it clear to them that I consider it them violating the standard, and therefor a bug.
Longer term, we're just switching to a different SSO provider.
Over 2 years later I found this issue while researching exactly the same problem with an Azure AD Identity provider : Unable to find a key for (algorithm, kid):RS256
Good news is there's now a clean solution. @SimonDatapas 's explanation above is absolutely correct : Azure AD requires you to pass a ?appid=<clientid>
param to the well known configuration endpoint, so that it will add the param to the jwks_uri, which in turn will provide you with the correct certificate for your app. However hardcoding it in the lib is not really a viable solution.
There's now a setWellKnownConfigParameters()
method that will add params to the well known config, so basically all you need to do is add the appid param when you instantiate the client :
// Assuming $identity_provider_url, $client_id and $client_secret were previously set :
$oidcClient = new OpenIDConnectClient(
$oidcClient->setWellKnownConfigParameters(['appid' => $client_id]);
Hope this helps someone !
so Ive just tried to dial this into MediaWiki using the plugin, and when I dialed the config into AzureAd, It didn't work. I ended up having to change line 654 in '/OpenIDConnect/vendor/jumbojett/openid-connect-php/src/OpenIDConnectClient.php' from;
$well_known_config_url = rtrim($this->getProviderURL(), '/') . '/.well-known/openid-configuration';
$well_known_config_url = rtrim($this->getProviderURL(), '/') . '/.well-known/openid-configuration' . '?appid=' . $this->clientID;
Is this perhaps something that the author of OpenID-Connect-PHP can work with the MediaWiki plugin owner to fix as AzureAD is becoming common for OpenID these days as it would have saved me a lot of time? any thoughts @cicalese In terms of the OpenID mediawiki plugin the only change that is required is to OpenIDConnect/includes/OpenIDConnect.php and to add this code segment at line 223;
$this->openIDConnectClient->setWellKnownConfigParameters(['appid' =>
$this->getData()->get( 'clientID' ) ]
If the second approach is taken then the upstream /OpenIDConnect/vendor/jumbojett/openid-connect-php/src/OpenIDConnectClient.php file does not need to be modified, but given that AzureAD/Entra and OpenID is a common enough solution it would be great if the best place for code changes to be made could be discussed, in-case there are other libraries other than the MediaWiki OpenID plugin that is impacted.
I set up a wiki to connect to Azure Active Directory using OpenId connect. Installation went seemingly fine, but when I try to actually log-in, I get directed to the Azure installation, log in successfully there, and then redirected back to the wiki, where I get "Fatal error authenticating user. "
Turning on logging, I see the following error in the logs:
Adding a log line before that line, it seems that it is looking for the key "RS256" in the json it tries to get from, but no such json key exists there.
I submitted this problem on, and was told this might be a more correct forum.