jumoog / intro-skipper

Fingerprint audio to automatically detect and skip intro/credit sequences in Jellyfin
GNU General Public License v3.0
399 stars 21 forks source link

10.9 autoskip funktion isn't working (skip button is issue #104) #168

Open jumoog opened 1 month ago

jumoog commented 1 month ago

It didn't worked yesterday.

This issue is only about autoskip.. if can't see the skip button in the webversion check https://github.com/jumoog/intro-skipper/issues/104

If you can't see this buttons in the dashboard:


autoskip won't work either.

jumoog commented 1 month ago

Today it works perfectly. I think it is a jellyfin bug the playback progress is not being reported correctly.

FuZion45 commented 1 month ago

hi, it doesn't work for me, no auto skipper or skip button, in the log I don't see any apparent error, it analyzes the libraries well however, I should never have done the new jellyfin update, because before everything worked very well

Chat-mots commented 1 month ago

I have recently updated to 10.9.1, intro skipper to 2.0.4. Auto skip works fine but there is no skip intro button displayed. :(

AbandonedCart commented 1 month ago

I have recently updated to 10.9.1, intro skipper to 2.0.4. Auto skip works fine but there is no skip intro button displayed. :(

That should be resolved in the next update/

FuZion45 commented 1 month ago

I have recently updated to 10.9.1, intro skipper to 2.0.4. Auto skip works fine but there is no skip intro button displayed. :(

I was able to get the skippe auto to work last night, this morning when I got up it no longer works, the plugin seems not stable it seems

jumoog commented 1 month ago

I have recently updated to 10.9.1, intro skipper to 2.0.4. Auto skip works fine but there is no skip intro button displayed. :(

I was able to get the skippe auto to work last night, this morning when I got up it no longer works, the plugin seems not stable it seems

I noticed the same problem. after some time the client does not report back the correct play position. But the plugin needs the correct play position to skip the intro.

FuZion45 commented 1 month ago

I have recently updated to 10.9.1, intro skipper to 2.0.4. Auto skip works fine but there is no skip intro button displayed. :(

I was able to get the skippe auto to work last night, this morning when I got up it no longer works, the plugin seems not stable it seems

I noticed the same problem. after some time the client does not report back the correct play position. But the plugin needs the correct play position to skip the intro.

ok, is there a solution to fix this? or a future update of the plugin in the coming days?

VampiricAlien commented 1 month ago

Working for 10.9.2.

On Android tv it's now auto playing next episode, before the next up screen would show/

jumoog commented 1 month ago

Working for 10.9.2.

On Android tv it's now auto playing next episode, before the next up screen would show/

i'll restore the old funktion

jumoog commented 1 month ago
2024-05-18T18:18:49.870191253Z [20:18:49] [ERR] [44] Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager: Error reporting playback progress
2024-05-18T18:18:49.870219822Z System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
2024-05-18T18:18:49.870223482Z Object name: 'Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager'.
2024-05-18T18:18:49.870226562Z    at Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager.OnPlaybackProgress(PlaybackProgressInfo info, Boolean isAutomated)
2024-05-18T18:18:49.870229652Z    at MediaBrowser.Controller.Session.SessionInfo.OnProgressTimerCallback(Object state)
2024-05-18T18:18:50.161235517Z [20:18:50] [ERR] [44] Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager: Error reporting playback progress
2024-05-18T18:18:50.161259807Z System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
2024-05-18T18:18:50.161262077Z Object name: 'Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager'.
2024-05-18T18:18:50.161264547Z    at Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager.OnPlaybackProgress(PlaybackProgressInfo info, Boolean isAutomated)
2024-05-18T18:18:50.161266497Z    at MediaBrowser.Controller.Session.SessionInfo.OnProgressTimerCallback(Object state)
2024-05-18T18:18:50.870710330Z [20:18:50] [ERR] [64] Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager: Error reporting playback progress
2024-05-18T18:18:50.870727799Z System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
2024-05-18T18:18:50.870730579Z Object name: 'Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager'.
2024-05-18T18:18:50.870732999Z    at Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager.OnPlaybackProgress(PlaybackProgressInfo info, Boolean isAutomated)
2024-05-18T18:18:50.870735449Z    at MediaBrowser.Controller.Session.SessionInfo.OnProgressTimerCallback(Object state)
2024-05-18T18:18:51.161833603Z [20:18:51] [ERR] [64] Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager: Error reporting playback progress
2024-05-18T18:18:51.161868232Z System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
2024-05-18T18:18:51.161873112Z Object name: 'Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager'.
2024-05-18T18:18:51.161877582Z    at Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager.OnPlaybackProgress(PlaybackProgressInfo info, Boolean isAutomated)
2024-05-18T18:18:51.161881572Z    at MediaBrowser.Controller.Session.SessionInfo.OnProgressTimerCallback(Object state)
2024-05-18T18:18:51.869047618Z [20:18:51] [ERR] [64] Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager: Error reporting playback progress
2024-05-18T18:18:51.869078278Z System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
2024-05-18T18:18:51.869093537Z Object name: 'Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager'.
2024-05-18T18:18:51.869095867Z    at Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager.OnPlaybackProgress(PlaybackProgressInfo info, Boolean isAutomated)
2024-05-18T18:18:51.869097927Z    at MediaBrowser.Controller.Session.SessionInfo.OnProgressTimerCallback(Object state)
2024-05-18T18:18:52.160100883Z [20:18:52] [ERR] [64] Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager: Error reporting playback progress
2024-05-18T18:18:52.160139252Z System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
2024-05-18T18:18:52.160145592Z Object name: 'Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager'.
2024-05-18T18:18:52.160151451Z    at Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager.OnPlaybackProgress(PlaybackProgressInfo info, Boolean isAutomated)
2024-05-18T18:18:52.160157561Z    at MediaBrowser.Controller.Session.SessionInfo.OnProgressTimerCallback(Object state)
jumoog commented 1 month ago

Its a Jellyfin bug

jumoog commented 1 month ago

Working for 10.9.2. On Android tv it's now auto playing next episode, before the next up screen would show/

i'll restore the old funktion

it's in v0.2.0.5

Chat-mots commented 1 month ago

Solved my issue on windows. For those who are confused if the plugin has enough permissions, activate the full debug logs and be sure introskipper has the permission to modify html ! @FuZion45

pomee4 commented 1 month ago

Any additional steps required for a docker env?

xManvir commented 1 month ago

How would you modify permissions for introskipper for docker?

AbandonedCart commented 1 month ago

Any additional steps required for a docker env?

How would you modify permissions for introskipper for docker?

See https://github.com/jumoog/intro-skipper/issues/104

jumoog commented 1 month ago

The seek command was sent but I don't see a message in the websocket

2024-05-20T11:24:07.620422975Z [13:24:07] [INF] [47] ConfusedPolarBear.Plugin.IntroSkipper.AutoSkip: Playback position is 357, intro runs from 354.68699999999995 to 381.88939999999997

2024-05-20T11:24:07.620486503Z [13:24:07] [INF] [47] ConfusedPolarBear.Plugin.IntroSkipper.AutoSkip: Sending seek command to TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NDsgcnY6MTI2LjApIEdlY2tvLzIwMTAwMTAxIEZpcmVmb3gvMTI2LjB8MTcxNjIwMjgwMzQ3Ng11


jumoog commented 1 month ago

When this happens, I can't control the session from the Jellyfin dashboard.

jumoog commented 1 month ago

I have opened an issue here: https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/issues/11755

saydo17 commented 1 month ago

Hi, I finally got mine working again. I had to Erase all introduction/end credits timestamps. I think something got messed up with the cache when I updated.

rlauuzo commented 1 month ago

I had the same problem! A bunch of my intro timestamps were showing as IntroEnd 0, making them invalid.


ramonskie commented 1 month ago

@saydo17 how can you do the cleanup?

saydo17 commented 1 month ago

@saydo17 how can you do the cleanup?

Under the Advanced section of the config, open the Manage Fingerprints section. There are two buttons at the bottom. I ran the detect intros and credits task again after.

saydo17 commented 1 month ago

I had the same problem! A bunch of my intro timestamps were showing as IntroEnd 0, making them invalid.

Exact same thing for me!

jumoog commented 1 month ago

This may be related to the changes made to https://github.com/jumoog/intro-skipper/commit/03af05c3c6fd7090d8ad851924e8717d31b2cd26. I also had to adjust the timing of the unit tests.

rlauuzo commented 1 month ago

https://github.com/jumoog/intro-skipper/pull/177 maybe fixes it

jumoog commented 1 month ago

Okay, I'm running the Android TV app v0.16.10 in the Android TV Emulator and I can't control the session from the Jellyfin Dashboard. I can't see the sent messages.

//Update: I build the App from master branch and that Versions seems to work.

jumoog commented 1 month ago

As a plugin, we can't do more than send the command to seek. Unfortunately, we cannot do anything about whether it reaches the client.

ramonskie commented 1 month ago

@jumoog does this mean the android skip button will only show if i build the android tv jellyfin from the master branch?

jumoog commented 1 month ago

No the skip button is not supported by the official Android TV app.

Ruchamimi commented 1 month ago

I have recently updated to 10.9.1, intro skipper to 2.0.4. Auto skip works fine but there is no skip intro button displayed. :(

That should be resolved in the next update/

I have recently updated to 10.9.1, intro skipper to 2.0.4. Auto skip works fine but there is no skip intro button displayed. :(

That should be resolved in the next update/

I have recently updated to 10.9.1, intro skipper to 2.0.4. Auto skip works fine but there is no skip intro button displayed. :(

That should be resolved in the next update/

I have just updated JF to 10.9.3 and intro skipper to 2.0.8 and I still don't have the skip button on web. Button works well on windows client and findroid though, as well as auto skip. Is it a known issue or due to permissions on my end (apt install on raspberry pi 4)

jumoog commented 1 month ago

I have recently updated to 10.9.1, intro skipper to 2.0.4. Auto skip works fine but there is no skip intro button displayed. :(

That should be resolved in the next update/

I have recently updated to 10.9.1, intro skipper to 2.0.4. Auto skip works fine but there is no skip intro button displayed. :(

That should be resolved in the next update/

I have recently updated to 10.9.1, intro skipper to 2.0.4. Auto skip works fine but there is no skip intro button displayed. :(

That should be resolved in the next update/

I have just updated JF to 10.9.3 and intro skipper to 2.0.8 and I still don't have the skip button on web. Button works well on windows client and findroid though, as well as auto skip. Is it a known issue or due to permissions on my end (apt install on raspberry pi 4)

This is probably a permissions error: https://github.com/jumoog/intro-skipper/issues/104

VampiricAlien commented 1 month ago

@jumoog "add official applications to the declaration" not clear what the update is about. Is this now apart of Jellyfin?

jumoog commented 1 month ago

I'll make that clear.

Ruchamimi commented 1 month ago

This is probably a permissions error: #104

Sorry for being confused about that. /usr/share/jellyfin/web/index.html belongs to root. For which should I change ?

rlauuzo commented 1 month ago

That depends on your installation method. Are you using Docker or a native installation?

Ruchamimi commented 1 month ago

Native installation.

The readme says that I shouldn't add jellyfin user to the same group as root.

rlauuzo commented 1 month ago

On Ubuntu/Debian systems, change to use "jellyfin" as the user:

chown jellyfin /usr/share/jellyfin/web/index.html

Ruchamimi commented 1 month ago

Did it and it works great ! Thank you sir.

jumoog commented 3 weeks ago

I currently have no more problems with androidtv 0.16.11 and jellyfin 10.9.6

Brramble commented 3 weeks ago

since 10.9.6, I also have not had any issues with android TV clients (0.16.11). Only the unsupported TV clients remain ontop of the web os. Hopefully Jellyfin have plans for this websocket support moving forward.

VampiricAlien commented 2 weeks ago

Stopped working for me, I wasn't able to send message to client until sever restart, device restart. Not working. Still have web socket issues. Is this just me?

androidtv 0.16.11 and jellyfin 10.9.6

ceruleanight commented 2 weeks ago

it's not skipping for me either on 0.16.11 and 10.9.6

VampiricAlien commented 2 weeks ago

I am seeing that a WS was opened but then is closed. This is a bug that gets fixed by an update then unfixed with another.

 error receiving data: "The remote party closed the WebSocket connection without completing the close handshake.
 [INF] WS ":::IP" closed
WS "::IP" request
jumoog commented 2 weeks ago

I am seeing that a WS was opened but then is closed. This is a bug that gets fixed by an update then unfixed with another.

 error receiving data: "The remote party closed the WebSocket connection without completing the close handshake.
 [INF] WS ":::IP" closed
WS "::IP" request

Okay but thats a Jellyfin error

VampiricAlien commented 2 weeks ago

I am seeing that a WS was opened but then is closed. This is a bug that gets fixed by an update then unfixed with another.

 error receiving data: "The remote party closed the WebSocket connection without completing the close handshake.
 [INF] WS ":::IP" closed
WS "::IP" request

Okay but thats a Jellyfin error

I know, best it's reported here then new issues getting open because people think it's the plugin. Strange thing, it's working a little now.

AbandonedCart commented 2 weeks ago

best it's reported here then new issues getting open because people think it's the plugin

Wishful thinking...