jump-cellpainting / JUMP-Target

Lists and 384-well plate maps of compounds and genetic perturbations designed to assess connectivity in profiling assays
MIT License
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Clarify that some genes have only one sgRNA targeting them #21

Open shntnu opened 3 years ago

shntnu commented 3 years ago
read_tsv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jump-cellpainting/JUMP-Target/master/JUMP-Target-1_crispr_metadata.tsv") %>% distinct(pert_type, control_type, broad_sample, gene) %>% count(pert_type, control_type, gene, name = "n_guides") %>% count(pert_type, control_type, n_guides, name = "n_genes") %>% knitr::kable()
pert_type control_type n_guides n_genes
control negcon 30 1
control poscon_cp 1 1
control poscon_cp 2 12
control poscon_diverse 2 14
control poscon_orf 1 1
control poscon_orf 2 2
trt NA 1 13
trt NA 2 117