jump-dev / BARON.jl

A Julia interface to the BARON mixed-integer nonlinear programming solver
MIT License
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Setting branching priorities #30

Open egidio88 opened 5 years ago

egidio88 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am trying to set branching priority in BARON for some variables but I cannot find any related documentation. Any suggestions how to do this? Thank you in advance. Egidio

joehuchette commented 5 years ago

It is not currently supported in BARON.jl, but potentially could be. I don't believe I will have time to implement this in the near future, but you could try yourself. The best approach is to add a function to that registers a branching priority with the BaronMathProgModel (i.e. add new field that maps vars to priorities), and then adding a few lines of code to print the branching priority out to the bar file here: https://github.com/joehuchette/BARON.jl/blob/c3fb500d9211acbf11de58a7c1404f4b24f1d846/src/BARON.jl#L255

askuyue commented 7 months ago

Hi , When i use BARON with the following errors:

       BARON version 23.12.16. Built: LNX-64 Sat Dec 16 20:54:13 EST 2023

       BARON is a product of The Optimization Firm.
       For information on BARON, see https://minlp.com/about-baron
       No BARON license file found in user PATH.  Continuing in demo mode.
       Model exceeds demo size (10 variables, 10 constraints, 50 nonlinearities)
       A valid BARON license is required for this model.
       BARON will exit now.

                                *** Licensing error *** 

so, how to set BARON license in which PATH?
