jump-dev / Clp.jl

A Julia interface to the Coin-OR Linear Programming solver (CLP)
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cannot get the primal solution when using the Clp ipm method #125

Closed nht2018 closed 2 years ago

nht2018 commented 2 years ago

Hello, I came across two problems.


After I use iterior point method(ipm) to solve the LP programming problem, I cannot get the primal solution through value.(x). (But there is no problem with simplex method.) Here are my codes:

using JuMP
using Clp

#read data

model = Model(Clp.Optimizer);
@variable(model, x[1:n]);
for i in 1: n
    set_lower_bound(x[i], lb[i]);
    set_upper_bound(x[i], ub[i]);
@constraint(model, constraint, A * x .== b);
@objective(model, Min, dot(x, c));
set_optimizer_attribute(model, "SolveType", 4);
set_optimizer_attribute(model, "PresolveType", 1);   
set_optimizer_attribute(model, "MaximumSeconds", 1e3);
set_optimizer_attribute(model, "PrimalTolerance", 1e-6);
set_optimizer_attribute(model, "DualTolerance", 1e-6);

where A is a m*n matrix, c, lb, ub are n*1 matrices, b is m*1 matrix. When I try to get the primal solution by value.(x), it traces back:

ERROR: Primal solution not available


I have tried different approaches to get the iteration counts, including

MOI.get(model, MOI.SimplexItertions()) 

but none works.

Could you please provide some approaches to acquire the iteration counts and primal solution? Thanks very much.

odow commented 2 years ago

Did it find a feasible solution?

After optimize!(model) you must check termination_status(model) and primal_status(model). What are they?

Please provide a reproducible example.

nht2018 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your quick reply. The termination_status is OPTIMAL and I could get the dual solution by using dual.(constraint). And primal_status is UNKNOWN_RESULT_STATUS.

The attachmments are my codes, one instance(cont1 in the dataset mittelmann, which has been prosolved), and the log printed out.(It seems that the algorithm works well.)


odow commented 2 years ago

If the primal status is UNKNOWN_RESULT_STATUS then something went wrong in Clp. For some reason, Clp didn't declare Cbc_primalFeasible: https://github.com/jump-dev/Clp.jl/blob/eb6ec27e1207593d98671dbdc2b429d3f2961d47/src/MOI_wrapper/MOI_wrapper.jl#L437-L440

This is not a problem with Clp.jl. But you'd have to dig around in Clp to understand what happened in more details. Can Clp solve this via an MPS file? Is it a tolerance issue? It it your presolve routine missing with scaling?

nht2018 commented 2 years ago

I find the problem. It is necessary to take crossover steps to get the primal solution. After I change

set_optimizer_attribute(model, "SolveType", 4);  # ipm without crossover


set_optimizer_attribute(model, "SolveType", 3);  # ipm with crossover

then value.(x) returns the primal solution.

By the way, I have another question: how to get the iteration counts? I have tried

MOI.get(model, MOI.SimplexItertions()) 

but none of them works.

odow commented 2 years ago


model = Model(Clp.Optimizer)
clp = unsafe_backend(model)

but that might just be for simplex.

If it doesn't work, there might be something else in the C API: https://github.com/jump-dev/Clp.jl/blob/master/src/libClp.jl

nht2018 commented 2 years ago

It works for both simplex and ipm method. Thanks very much.

odow commented 2 years ago

Great. I'll close this as fixed. If you have further questions with your benchmarking, please post on the community forum: https://discourse.julialang.org/c/domain/opt/13