jump-dev / Hypatia.jl

interior point solver for general convex conic optimization problems
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try using iterative solvers and linear maps (particularly for large-scale problems) #26

Closed chriscoey closed 6 years ago

chriscoey commented 6 years ago

currently we only use direct linsys solvers (cholesky factorization, since we have a symmetric PSD matrix).

can try indirect/iterative (eg https://github.com/JuliaMath/IterativeSolvers.jl/issues/1), especially for large problems

libraries like https://github.com/JuliaSparse/Pardiso.jl have both direct and iterative solvers

for a matrix-free approach, see https://github.com/Jutho/LinearMaps.jl

chriscoey commented 6 years ago

closely related: #65

chriscoey commented 6 years ago

closed by #74