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Case studies/user logos #110

Open odow opened 11 months ago

odow commented 11 months ago

I've been talking to a lot of JuMP users recently. I think we could do a lot better with advertising the people that are happily using JuMP. Making a list of people that I've talked to recently




Energy system models

sstroemer commented 11 months ago

My small input for that:

odow commented 11 months ago

as far as I know it's lead by Mathijs de Weerdt

Yeah I've been talking to some people involved. @abelsiqueira is also part of the team.

sstroemer commented 11 months ago

Sorry, one more that I remembered: PowerModelsACDC.jl from KU Leuven

joaquimg commented 11 months ago

I like the logos idea. Quotes from these people and more could be nice as well.

odow commented 10 months ago

JuMP (or Julia) was used by at least three teams in https://gocompetition.energy.gov ARPA-e Benchmark TIM-GO quasiGrad

abelsiqueira commented 10 months ago

@datejada, @clizbe, you can add the model (and TNO's name?) here, if you're up for it.

matbesancon commented 10 months ago

In academia: Zuse Institute Berlin, TU Berlin

datejada commented 10 months ago

In Energy System Models: TNO and the eScience Center are developing TulipaEnergyModel.jl https://github.com/TulipaEnergy/TulipaEnergyModel.jl

matbesancon commented 10 months ago

@stelmo @exaexa can we mention HH Düsseldorf and U. Luxembourg?

stelmo commented 10 months ago

Yes! At the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf (me) and University of Luxembourg (@exaexa) we are happily using JuMP to build constraint-based reconstruction and analysis software (e.g. https://github.com/LCSB-BioCore/COBREXA.jl).

stelmo commented 10 months ago

In fact, @exaexa recently built an entire framework to make LP/QP modeling simpler to connect to JuMP and all of its solvers: https://discourse.julialang.org/t/ann-constrainttrees-jl-tidy-constrained-systems-for-jump/105563

exaexa commented 10 months ago

Hi all, confirming that we use a lot of JuMP too :D (thx @matbesancon @stelmo for ping)


clizbe commented 7 months ago

Clarification: TulipaEnergyModel.jl is the model in the NextGenOpt project, involving TNO, eScience, TUDelft (Mathijs de Weerdt), and Utrecht University.

odow commented 7 months ago

@clizbe oops, sorry. Fixed here: https://github.com/jump-dev/jump-dev.github.io/pull/121

clizbe commented 7 months ago

Oh no! That's not what I meant. It's indeed TNO's model - but just clarifying that "the NextGenOpt model" that people were trying to remember is not a separate model, it's Tulipa.