jumphone / SPRINT

SNP-free RNA editing Identification Toolkit
MIT License
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# #18

Closed iqraishtiaq closed 5 years ago

jumphone commented 5 years ago

Please try:

cut -f 3 SPRINT_identified_all.res > SPRINT_identified_all.res.col3

bedtools intersect -a SPRINT_identified_all.res.col3 -b wheat.bed -u

jumphone commented 5 years ago

Please try:

cut -f 1,2,3 SPRINT_identified_all.res > SPRINT_identified_all.res.col3

bedtools intersect -a SPRINT_identified_all.res.col3 -b wheat.bed -u

If it doesn’t work, can you send me some lines of your files using Email?


jumphone commented 5 years ago

Have you tried to use the wheat.bed to annotated other files. Can you change it into a standard BED format file?

jumphone commented 5 years ago

BED file should be TAB delimited.


1A 7058 7215 GENE ID STRAND

jumphone commented 5 years ago

Please try to use this bed:

cut -f 1,2,3,4,5,6 wheat.bed > wheat_col6.bed

bedtools intersect -a SPRINT_identified_all.res.col3 -b wheat_col6.bed -wa -wb > output.bed

jumphone commented 5 years ago

Please see


Maybe you need to sort your two bed files

jumphone commented 5 years ago

Can you try BEDOPS?

bedops --intersect a.bed b.bed > output.bed

jumphone commented 5 years ago

bedmap --echo res.bed gene.bed> mapped.bed

jumphone commented 5 years ago


jumphone commented 5 years ago


jumphone commented 5 years ago

Please follow the instruction (https://bedops.readthedocs.io/en/latest/content/reference/statistics/bedmap.html) to adjust the "echo" parameter.

jumphone commented 5 years ago
  1. You can write script to solve this problem.

  2. Or, you can use the "match" function in EXCEL: https://exceljet.net/excel-functions/excel-match-function

jumphone commented 5 years ago

The most important part of SPRINT is the clustering of duplet editing sites.

You can try to apply SPRINT to identify editing on 16s rRNA.

But I’m not sure about that whether there is “duplet editing sites” on 16s rRNA.

You can change the clustering parameters based on the help manual of SPRINT.


iqraishtiaq commented 5 years ago

my question is " SPRINT can be worked on DNA sequence ?? " ???????

jumphone commented 5 years ago

SPRINT is designed for "detecting" editing sites, not "predicting".

If there are duplet DNA editing sites on DNA sequence, SPRINT can detect them.

jumphone commented 5 years ago

You can use this sequence as a reference and then apply SPRINT to your NGS data.

If you don't have NGS data, SPRINT cannot help you.

jumphone commented 5 years ago

Please see https://github.com/jumphone/SPRINT/issues/7

jumphone commented 5 years ago

What kind of species did you analyzed?

You can download the repeat annotation file from: https://sourceforge.net/projects/sprintpy/files/dbRES/.


jumphone commented 5 years ago

I'm not familiar with the repeat regions of plant.

Maybe you can use SPRINT without using repreat annotation file.
