junalmeida / Sick-Beard

Sick-Beard is a PVR & episode guide that downloads and manages all your TV shows. You must have rights to the TV Shows being downloaded. Always observe network regulations and laws in your country.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Speed.cd changed their login procedure #348

Open jwaterwo opened 4 years ago

jwaterwo commented 4 years ago

The speed.cd provider is returning a 503 when attempting to login. It appears that we are hitting http://speed.cd/takeloign.php, which no longer exists. The new address appears to be http://speed.cd/checkpoint/

jwaterwo commented 4 years ago
    198     def _doLogin(self):
    199         login_params = {
    200             'username': sickbeard.SPEED_USERNAME,
    201             'password': sickbeard.SPEED_PASSWORD
    202         }
    204         self.session = requests.Session()
    205         logger.log("[{}] Attempting to Login".format(self.name))
    207         try:
    208             response = self.session.post("{}takelogin.php".format(self.url), data=login_params, timeout=30, verify=False)
junalmeida commented 4 years ago

Hi, I can accept pull requests :)

jwaterwo commented 4 years ago
{"er":0,"Fs":[["DOM",[".login",["last"],["addClass","animate slideOutNext"],["wait",300],["toggleClass","Hidden animate slideOutNext"],["after","<form class=\"login pwd animate slideInNext\" method=\"POST\" action=\"\/checkpoint\/\">
        <div class=\"bkBtn\"><svg xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\">
                <path fill=\"#404040\" d=\"M18 11.58v.84H7.62l3.92 3.93-.6.6L6 12l4.94- 3.93z\"\ />
                <path fill=\"#404040\" d=\"M10.94 7.06l.6.59-3.92 3.93H18v.84H7.62l3.92 3.93-.6.6L6 12l4.94-4.94m0-.14l-.07.07-4.94 4.94-. 4.94\"\ />
                <\ /svg>
                    <\ /div>Hello USERNAME<\ /h1>
                            <div class=\"uiIn\"><input type=\"password\" name=\"pwd\" placeholder=\" \"> <span class=\"ph\">Password<\ /span><span class=\"hint\">Incorrect account or password.<\ /span>
                                                <\ /div>
                                                    <div class=\"bbAr\"><input type=\"submit\" class=\"uiBtn\" value=\"Sign In\">
                                                        <\ /div>
                                                            <div id=\"botCheck\">
                                                                <\ /div>
                                                                    <div class=\"subOpt\"><a href=\"\/checkpoint\/recovery\">Forgot Password?<\ /a><a href=\"\/checkpoint\/signup\">Sign Up<\ /a>
                                                                                        <\ /div><input name=\"a\" value=\"joI3Hq9emx7X1GrpHA3nUoifpWE0TMsXacsGVqQLt7gG0Rm8wtpOBaz6Dcb1M0%2F4vPk35DYRx9%2B%2FmSw2kOYfoNDVSspjGOLjL0B1kRi3YnMHSCkx\" type=\"hidden\">
                                                                                            <\ /form>"],["next"],["wait",300],["removeClass","animate slideInNext"],["find",".uiIn input"],["get",0],["focus"]]]]}
jwaterwo commented 4 years ago

I'm not smart enough to figure this one out. lol.

jwaterwo commented 4 years ago

slight workaround, put your username and rss passkey into the provider file. This will keep your cache updated with the newest torrents from speed.cd. Won't work for going through backlog though.

diff --git a/sickbeard/providers/speed.py b/sickbeard/providers/speed.py
index cd555e9..09dfa71 100644
--- a/sickbeard/providers/speed.py
+++ b/sickbeard/providers/speed.py
@@ -264,21 +264,10 @@ class SpeedProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
-        try:
-            self.rss_uid, self.rss_passkey = re.findall(
-                r'name=\"user\" value=\"(.*)\" />.*?name=\"passkey\" value=\"([0-9A-Fa-f]{32})\"',
-                self.getURL(
-                    '{}rss.php'.format(self.url)
-                )
-            )[0]
-        except:
-            logger.log("[{}] {} Failed to scrape authentication parameters for rss.".format(
-                    self.name,
-                    self.funcName()
-                ),
-                logger.ERROR
-            )
-            return False
+        self.rss_uid = "USERNAME"
+        self.rss_passkey = "PASSKEY"

         if not self.rss_uid:
             logger.log("[{}] {} Can't extract uid from rss authentication scrape.".format(