Info.plist selection have a problem of selecting wrong folder if you try to change an app name that has third party extension with Info.plist file.
For example if react-native-onesignal installed in your app. It requires you to create an extension that named OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension and if your app name initial is something after letter O in alphabetical order, lets call it RnDiffApp, following selector in utils.js returns the OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension path.
Info.plist selection have a problem of selecting wrong folder if you try to change an app name that has third party extension with Info.plist file.
For example if react-native-onesignal installed in your app. It requires you to create an extension that named OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension and if your app name initial is something after letter O in alphabetical order, lets call it RnDiffApp, following selector in utils.js returns the OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension path.
Expected result should be RnDiffApp path. So remaining scripts will change CFBundleDisplayName in RnDiffApp/Info.plist.