junegunn / fzf.vim

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how to make GFiles case insensitive #1376

Open fliu7 opened 2 years ago

fliu7 commented 2 years ago

Quick question from a vim newbie: how to make :GFiles case insensitive as in fzf -i? :GFiles -i does not work, so I added -i to fzf#vim#gitfiles. But is there a way to configure it instead of having to change code?

alexsmartens commented 2 years ago


alexsmartens commented 2 years ago

here is my work around:

command! -bang -nargs=? -complete=dir GFiles
    \ call fzf#vim#gitfiles(<q-args>, {'options': ['-i']}, <bang>0)

noremap <c-p> :GFiles --others --exclude-standard --cached<cr>