junegunn / fzf.vim

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Support for `:Files` over a local vim edit of a remote file over scp #1459

Open mihaigalos opened 1 year ago

mihaigalos commented 1 year ago

Support for :Files over a local vim edit of a remote file is currently not working.

I'm using the following `~/.ssh/config' :

Host *
    ControlPath /tmp/ssh-socket-%r@%h-%p

Then starting a ssh multiplexing sessinon:

$ ssh -MNv user@host

And in another terminal, open a remote file over the multiplexed ssh session:

$ vim scp://user@host/myfile.md

This enables me to run vim locally instead on the remote, and automatically have all my plugins instead of installing them on each remote host.

However, if I run :Files, the list is populated with the files from the local folder.

Conversely, when I run :Vex, the files listed are the ones from the remote.

Is this a missing feature in fzf.vim or a configuration I could do on my side?