junegunn / fzf.vim

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:Rg [pattern] [file or folder location] not behaving as expected #1533

Closed JoydeepMallick closed 3 months ago

JoydeepMallick commented 3 months ago

OS :- Windows 10 Enterprise Vim :- VIM - Vi IMproved 9.0 (2022 Jun 28, compiled Feb 1 2023 23:55:13) MS-Windows 64-bit console version Included patches: 1-1273 Compiled by appveyor@APPVEYOR-VM


I have ripgep for windows installed and performing something like rg pattern ./location/to/file.extension works great.

Now as mentioned in readme :Rg needs ripgrep installed and usage is mentioned as :Rg [PATTERN] which works great and returns all possible matches in current working directory. But I want to achieve the similar thing for specific files or folders by mentioning them which does not work as intended.

In vim :Rg pattern ./location/to/file.extension gives me [Command Failed: rg --column --line-number --no-heading ...].


Is this not possible in :Rg of FZF ? Is it limited to current directory only using :Rg [PATTERN].

Tried making a remap to search for current word under cursor in current file only with this feature if available :-

nnoremap <leader>fr :Rg <C-R><C-W> <C-R>=expand('%:p')<CR><CR>

It gives the same error as when doing it manually like :Rg pattern ./location/to/file.extension .

junegunn commented 3 months ago

Is it limited to current directory only using :Rg [PATTERN]

Yes. The default implementation of :Rg command treats the whole arguments as a single pattern string.

This allows you to omit quotes when you search for a query with spaces or quote characters. I find it extremely useful when searching for lines that print logs.

:Rg cannot proceed
:Rg "Failed to

But you can override this behavior by redefining :Rg command or defining a command with a different name, so each argument is directly passed to the ripgrep process.

command! -complete=file -bang -nargs=* Rg
  \ call fzf#vim#grep("rg --with-filename --column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case -- ".<q-args>, fzf#vim#with_preview(), <bang>0)

[!NOTE] Compared to this original :Rg,

  • --with-filename was added so that the file name is always printed even when you pass a file path
  • fzf#shellescape around <q-args> is removed

With this version, you can do something like :Rg pattern ./location/to/file.extension, but :Rg (no arguments), :Rg cannot proceed (query string with spaces), :Rg "Failed to (query string with quote characters), etc will no longer work. So you probably want to define it with a different name.

denilsonsa commented 2 weeks ago

Idea: this seems to be a common use-case. Can fzf.vim add a new command called :RG that behaves like that?

In other words, out-of-the-box people will have :Rg that behaves as usual, and :RG that allows specifying files.

junegunn commented 2 weeks ago

RG is taken. https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.vim?tab=readme-ov-file#commands