junegunn / fzf.vim

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Perform different sink actions on Enter and Shift+Enter #1535

Closed pabsan-0 closed 3 months ago

pabsan-0 commented 3 months ago

Hi, I want different actions to be performed with Enter and ShiftEnter.

I'm using fzf to fuzzyfind snippets and would like Enter to copy snippets into my current file and ShiftEnter to edit them. This is what my vimrc lines look like:

let s:snippets_path = "~/snippets/"

function! s:rg_file_read(location)
    let string_list = split(a:location, ':', 2)
    execute 'read ' .. s:snippets_path .. string_list[0]

command! -bang -nargs=* CustomSnippets
    \ call fzf#vim#grep(
    \ "rg -m 1 -L --column --no-heading --pretty --smart-case ".shellescape(<q-args>), 
    \ 1, 
    \ fzf#vim#with_preview({'dir': s:snippets_path, 'sink': function('s:rg_file_read')}),
    \ <bang>0)

From man fzf the alternate action could be done on the CLI via something like fzf --bind "enter:execute(less {})", but I can't figure how to port that into vim. Could you please provide some pointers?

junegunn commented 3 months ago
let s:snippets_path = "~/snippets/"

function! s:rg_file_read(lines)
  if len(a:lines) < 2

  let [key, file] = a:lines
  if key == 'alt-enter'
    execute 'tabedit' s:snippets_path .. file
    execute 'read ' .. s:snippets_path .. file

command! -bang -nargs=* CustomSnippets
    \ call fzf#run(fzf#vim#with_preview(fzf#wrap({
    \   'source': "rg -m 1 -L --no-heading --pretty --smart-case ".shellescape(<q-args>),
    \   'options': ['--reverse', '--ansi', '--expect=alt-enter', '--bind', 'focus:transform:[[ -n {} ]] && [[ ! {} =~ : ]] && exit; [[ $FZF_ACTION =~ up$ ]] && echo up || echo down'],
    \   'dir': s:snippets_path,
    \   'sink*': function('s:rg_file_read')
    \ }), <bang>0))