junegunn / fzf.vim

fzf :heart: vim
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Colors not my expected on Windows #874

Open rickywu opened 4 years ago

rickywu commented 4 years ago

I set g:fzf_colors:

let g:fzf_colors = \ {'fg': ['fg', '#2e3436'], \ 'bg': ['bg', '#eeeeec'], \ 'hl': ['fg', '#fcaf3e'], \ 'fg+': ['fg', '#ffffff'], \ 'bg+': ['bg', '#8ae234'], \ 'hl+': ['fg', '#f57900'], \ 'info': ['fg', '#afaf87'], \ 'border': ['fg', '#eeeeec'], \ 'prompt': ['fg', '#d7005f'], \ 'pointer': ['fg', '#cc0000'], \ 'marker': ['fg', '#ef2929'], \ 'spinner': ['fg', '#af5fff'], \ 'header': ['fg', '#729fcf']

But the colors not display as my expect, and :echo fzf#wrap(), options is blank,

junegunn commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, the Windows binary currently doesn't support 24-bit colors. I can't be sure as I'm not a Windows user, but this may change when https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/pull/1341 is merged. You can help it move forward by testing it and giving feedbacks.

rickywu commented 4 years ago

I use that PR to build fzf or use release version and set env var as:

--color=fg:#2e3436,bg:#eeeeec,hl:#fcaf3e --color=fg+:#ffffff,bg+:#8ae234,hl+:#f57900 --color=info:#afaf87,prompt:#d7005f,pointer:#cc0000 --color=marker:#ef2929,spinner:#af5fff,header:#729fcf

WSL: image

Powershell, colors changed by my term but still use GUI colors image

Gvim: image

cmd.exe: image