junegunn / fzf

:cherry_blossom: A command-line fuzzy finder
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Allow for external shell script in --preview #3835

Closed ndavd closed 1 month ago

ndavd commented 1 month ago

First of all thank you for the great feature that are custom previews.

Recently I worked on a bit more complex script to add custom previews to a range of filetypes, and it will only grow in complexity as I support more mime types.

As you can see I didn't want to make a huge inline script so I moved it to an external file which I then cat into the --preview.

Unfortunately I ran into a couple of escaping issues and had to tweak quotes around the script contents. I was wondering how hard would it be to be able to just pass a bash/zsh script there instead of catting the contents of a file that has to be escaped according to the command.

junegunn commented 1 month ago

You can make the file a proper shell script file with execute permission (chmod +x) and pass {} as an argument to it and refer to it via $1 in the script.

--preview='$HOME/.config/fzf/preview-script {}'
ndavd commented 1 month ago

That worked, thanks!