junegunn / fzf

:cherry_blossom: A command-line fuzzy finder
MIT License
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code **<TAB> doesn't execute fzf #3843

Closed griiid closed 1 month ago

griiid commented 1 month ago


Output of fzf --version

0.53.0 (brew)



Problem / Steps to reproduce

Type code ** and then press <TAB>, it doesn't execute fzf? The result is: code \*\*

How can I check what's the problem?

junegunn commented 1 month ago

https://github.com/junegunn/fzf?tab=readme-ov-file#supported-commands should answer your question.

We may add code to the default list in the future.

griiid commented 1 month ago


Sorry, but I don't know how to show all directories like when I type cd **<TAB>

I don't know what should I put in <()

Here's my .bashrc settings:

_fzf_complete_code() {
  _fzf_complete --multi --reverse --prompt="code> " -- "$@" < <(
[ -n "$BASH" ] && complete -F _fzf_complete_code -o default -o bashdefault code
junegunn commented 4 weeks ago

I was suggesting that you just add _fzf_setup_completion path code to your .bashrc.

But we may add code to the list of the commands for which fuzzy completion is enabled by default so that is no longer necessary.

griiid commented 4 weeks ago

@junegunn oh, I see, thank you!!

thyeun commented 21 hours ago

May i know how should i using cd **<tab> in fish shell?