junegunn / limelight.vim

:flashlight: All the world's indeed a stage and we are merely players
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Option to enable limelight only for the current buffer #22

Closed deiwin closed 9 years ago

deiwin commented 9 years ago

Would it be possible to, say, jump between splits while having limelight enabled in only one of them?

junegunn commented 9 years ago
diff --git a/autoload/limelight.vim b/autoload/limelight.vim
index d447950..d17c1ce 100644
--- a/autoload/limelight.vim
+++ b/autoload/limelight.vim
@@ -62,7 +62,15 @@ function! s:empty(line)
   return (a:line =~# '^\s*$')

+function! s:bufmatch()
+  return !get(g:, 'limelight_buffer_local', 0) || bufnr('') == s:bufnr
 function! s:limelight()
+  if !s:bufmatch()
+    return
+  endif
   if !empty(get(w:, 'limelight_range', []))
@@ -212,6 +220,7 @@ function! s:on(range, ...)
     call call('s:hl', a:range)

+  let s:bufnr = bufnr('')
   augroup limelight
     let was_on = exists('#limelight#CursorMoved')
@@ -230,6 +239,7 @@ function! s:on(range, ...)
   augroup limelight_cleanup
     autocmd WinEnter * call s:cleanup()
+    autocmd BufEnter * if !s:bufmatch() | call s:clear_hl() | endif
   augroup END

   doautocmd CursorMoved

You can apply this patch and set g:limelight_buffer_local. I currently don't feel like adding it to master.

deiwin commented 9 years ago

That's perfect. Thanks!

deiwin commented 9 years ago

Okay, maybe not perfect :) Toggling limelight, while it's enabled in a different buffer than the current one, will disable it in that other buffer and doesn't do anything in the current one.

junegunn commented 9 years ago

Ah, too bad :) I don't want to add the feature because I basically don't need it and it makes the state transition more complex. Feel free to fork the repo if you need it.

deiwin commented 9 years ago

That's understandable :) I'll see how much it pains me to go without the feature.