junegunn / rainbow_parentheses.vim

:rainbow: Simpler Rainbow Parentheses
377 stars 24 forks source link

Overwrite automatic colors with predefined ones #7

Closed hoschi closed 9 years ago

hoschi commented 9 years ago


great plugin! It is the only one which works with neovims true color mode and javascript syntax plugin! I want to define colors for parentheses levels by hand, to make them more outstanding. Automatic colors makes parentheses look like other words, especially when using semantic highlight. My VimL is not good enough to check how to do this when looking into the plugin sources. I tried already to add hi rainbowParensShell1 guifg=#ff0000 to my .nvimrc but this didn't do the trick :(

junegunn commented 9 years ago

You can try setting g:rainbow#colors. I intentionally removed it from README page a while ago because I felt it was no longed needed, but it's still functional. (termcolor, guicolor pairs)

let g:rainbow#colors = {
\   'dark': [
\     ['yellow',  'orange1'     ],
\     ['green',   'yellow1'     ],
\     ['cyan',    'greenyellow' ],
\     ['magenta', 'green1'      ],
\     ['red',     'springgreen1'],
\     ['yellow',  'cyan1'       ],
\     ['green',   'slateblue1'  ],
\     ['cyan',    'magenta1'    ],
\     ['magenta', 'purple1'     ]
\   ],
\   'light': [
\     ['darkyellow',  'orangered3'    ],
\     ['darkgreen',   'orange2'       ],
\     ['blue',        'yellow3'       ],
\     ['darkmagenta', 'olivedrab4'    ],
\     ['red',         'green4'        ],
\     ['darkyellow',  'paleturquoise3'],
\     ['darkgreen',   'deepskyblue4'  ],
\     ['blue',        'darkslateblue' ],
\     ['darkmagenta', 'darkviolet'    ]
\   ]
\ }
hoschi commented 9 years ago

this works, thank you!