junegunn / seoul256.vim

:deciduous_tree: Low-contrast Vim color scheme based on Seoul Colors
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Convert to lifepillar/vim-colortemplate #53

Open lunacookies opened 5 years ago

lunacookies commented 5 years ago

Hi! Off the bat, I just wanted to say that I’ve been a long-time user of seoul256 (on and off since I started Vim a year ago), and I just wanted to thank you for all the great work you’ve done, not only on this colourscheme, but also on all your Vim plugins 😄!

I was wondering if you had considered switching over to colortemplate to make not only the handling of colours in true colour and 256 easier, but also to make the general syntax of writing a colourscheme easier.

In particular, I’ve noticed that there is a lot of code in seoul256 to make sure that the colours render properly everywhere, but that does not seem the case any longer (see #50 and #32) as iTerm v3.0 changed the way colours are handled, which meant that the 256-variant of seoul256 does not display colours properly in either iTerm or Terminal.app. As you have mentioned, all the versions of seoul256 that cannot be used on macOS are not tested by you, so you do not know if there is anything wrong with them.

In the state the colourscheme is at now, the only way to get the correct colours is to: use MacVim, or iTerm with termguicolors.

I just found these points interesting, not meant as criticism at all, I really like the things you do 👍

Edit: I have created a new repository that replicates most (missing the plugin and ruby stuff) of the dark version of seoul256 in the default background colour. It displays the colours I have defined correctly (I’m sure there are some mistakes, but not that many) the same as seoul256, and the 256 version is much closer to the termguicolors or GUI version than seoul256.

P.S. I am not sure how you would replicate the background-setting stuff and the colours that are dependent on it e.g.

call s:hi('ExtraWhitespace', ['', ''], [s:dark_bg - 1, s:light_bg - 2])

Also, I think using set bg to define whether you want the light or dark version is a bad practice? (I’m not sure).

lunacookies commented 5 years ago

Update: the dark and light versions are now both (almost) complete, ruby included. Some colours were extremely similar, but not quite the same (e.g. the yellow in IncSearch and Wildmenu), so I have made them the same colour. There were a few other small things like these that I have left out, but I think it is for the better. An example of this is the underline in the tabline. This has always annoyed me, and several other extremely small things like this have been changed in seoul8.

Thanks for making such a great colour scheme!