junegunn / vader.vim

A simple Vimscript test framework
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Vader gets different results than vim for synID in clojure test code #37

Open idbrii opened 9 years ago

idbrii commented 9 years ago

I'm using the clojure syntax files that come with my version of vim: 7.4.52. Using vader ad7f1b70ebcf76de86d1991732146f2ebabe3ba4.

When I write a test that tests clojure syntax, I get different results from vader and manually stepping through the test. (My project idbrii/vim-endoscope uses syntax ids to determine if something is a string as described in :help searchpair().)

Here's an example of a passing and failing test where the difference is that the line ends in a quote.

Given clojure (simple valid function):
  (defn say-hello
    ([name] (println (str "Hello " name))))

Do (remove trailing braces, add brace, check syn):
# Clear out the trailing braces
# Add brace and check syntax
  a)\<C-r>=synIDattr(synID(line("."), col('.')-1, 0), "name")\<CR>

Expect clojure (Append clojureParen. Works fine for word-parens.):
  (defn say-hello
    ([name] (println (str "Hello " name)clojureParen

Do (remove trailing braces, add string and brace, check syn):
# Clear out the trailing braces
# Add string and brace and check syntax
  a "!")\<C-r>=synIDattr(synID(line("."), col(".")-1, 0), "name")\<CR>

Expect clojure (FIXME: Append clojureParen. Vader fails for quote-paren, but this works in vim.):
  (defn say-hello
    ([name] (println (str "Hello " name "!")clojureParen

Inside my vader file, the syntax for embedded clojure is all messed up (it shows most trailing parens as errors -- even for balanced parens) and that also applies to my Do blocks.

Not sure if you can fix this. I also tried using ;-terminated blocks, but that doesn't help.

idbrii commented 9 years ago

This may be related to #38. If I remove the deletion from the test, then it passes:

Given clojure (simple valid function):
  (defn say-hello
    ([name] (println (str "Hello " name

Do (add string and brace, check syn):
# Jump to end
# Add string and brace and check syntax
  a "!")\<C-r>=synIDattr(synID(line("."), col(".")-1, 0), "name")\<CR>

Expect clojure (Now passes: Append clojureParen.):
  (defn say-hello
    ([name] (println (str "Hello " name "!")clojureParen

However, using the <Esc>a insert-breaking trick does not work.

junegunn commented 9 years ago

How does your vader report look like? For me, the first set of tests passes as long as I disable clojure-related plugins, namely rainbow parentheses and paredit.

Starting Vader: 1 suite(s), 2 case(s)
  Starting Vader: /Users/jg/tmp/a.vader
    (1/2) [  GIVEN] simple valid function
    (1/2) [     DO] remove trailing braces, add brace, check syn
    (1/2) [ EXPECT] Append clojureParen. Works fine for word-parens.
    (2/2) [  GIVEN] simple valid function
    (2/2) [     DO] remove trailing braces, add string and brace, check syn
    (2/2) [ EXPECT] FIXME: Append clojureParen. Vader fails for quote-paren, but this works in vim.
  Success/Total: 2/2
Success/Total: 2/2 (assertions: 0/0)
Elapsed time: 0.051618 sec.

But understandably, it fails with paredit and rainbow parens

Starting Vader: 1 suite(s), 2 case(s)
  Starting Vader: /Users/jg/tmp/a.vader
    (1/2) [  GIVEN] simple valid function
    (1/2) [     DO] remove trailing braces, add brace, check syn
    (1/2) [ EXPECT] (X) Append clojureParen. Works fine for word-parens.
      - Expected:
          (defn say-hello
            ([name] (println (str "Hello " name)clojureParen
      - Got:
          (defn say-hello
            ([name] (println (str "Hello " name))rainbowParensShell14))
    (2/2) [  GIVEN] simple valid function
    (2/2) [     DO] remove trailing braces, add string and brace, check syn
    (2/2) [ EXPECT] (X) FIXME: Append clojureParen. Vader fails for quote-paren, but this works in vim.
      - Expected:
          (defn say-hello
            ([name] (println (str "Hello " name "!")clojureParen
      - Got:
          (defn say-hello
            ([name] (println (str "Hello " name) "!")rainbowParensShell14))
  Success/Total: 0/2
Success/Total: 0/2 (assertions: 0/0)
Elapsed time: 0.088968 sec.
idbrii commented 9 years ago

I expect clojureParen, but I get clojureError.


gvim -N -U NONE -u ~/vader.vimrc +Vader*

with ~/vader.vimrc:

filetype off
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vader
filetype plugin indent on
syntax enable

And the above test as ~/bug.vader, I get these results:

Starting Vader: 1 suite(s), 2 case(s)
  Starting Vader: ~/bug.vader
    (1/2) [  GIVEN] simple valid function
    (1/2) [     DO] remove trailing braces, add brace, check syn
    (1/2) [ EXPECT] Append clojureParen. Works fine for word-parens.
    (2/2) [  GIVEN] simple valid function
    (2/2) [     DO] remove trailing braces, add string and brace, check syn
    (2/2) [ EXPECT] (X) FIXME: Append clojureParen. Vader fails for quote-paren, but this works in vim.
      - Expected:
          (defn say-hello
            ([name] (println (str "Hello " name "!")clojureParen
      - Got:
          (defn say-hello
            ([name] (println (str "Hello " name "!")clojureError
  Success/Total: 1/2
Success/Total: 1/2 (assertions: 0/0)
Elapsed time: 0.118564 sec.

Here's the output of :scriptnames

1: ~/vader.vimrc 2: C:/apps/Vim/vim74/ftoff.vim 3: C:/apps/Vim/vim74/filetype.vim 4: ~/.vim/bundle/vader/ftdetect/vader.vim 5: C:/apps/Vim/vim74/menu.vim 6: C:/apps/Vim/vim74/autoload/paste.vim 7: C:/apps/Vim/vim74/ftplugin.vim 8: C:/apps/Vim/vim74/indent.vim 9: C:/apps/Vim/vim74/syntax/syntax.vim 10: C:/apps/Vim/vim74/syntax/synload.vim 11: C:/apps/Vim/vim74/syntax/syncolor.vim 12: C:/apps/Vim/vim74/plugin/getscriptPlugin.vim 13: C:/apps/Vim/vim74/plugin/gzip.vim 14: C:/apps/Vim/vim74/plugin/matchparen.vim 15: C:/apps/Vim/vim74/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim 16: C:/apps/Vim/vim74/plugin/rrhelper.vim 17: C:/apps/Vim/vim74/plugin/spellfile.vim 18: C:/apps/Vim/vim74/plugin/tarPlugin.vim 19: C:/apps/Vim/vim74/plugin/tohtml.vim 20: C:/apps/Vim/vim74/plugin/vimballPlugin.vim 21: C:/apps/Vim/vim74/plugin/zipPlugin.vim 22: ~/.vim/bundle/vader/plugin/vader.vim 23: C:/apps/Vim/vim74/ftplugin/clojure.vim 24: C:/apps/Vim/vim74/indent/clojure.vim 25: C:/apps/Vim/vim74/syntax/clojure.vim

This is on gvim 7.4.52 on Windows downloaded from vim.org. (I believe this issue also occurred on Ubuntu with whatever is in the repos, but I haven't tried this minimized test.)

junegunn commented 9 years ago

Hmm, okay, I can reproduce the same situation on GVim (in my case MacVim, to be precise), but not on terminal Vim. Have you tried it on a terminal Vim?

I wanted to see what's happening when the test is running on GVim, so I injected \<C-o>:redraw | normal! gs\<cr> to the failing Do block, and suddenly it's working. :confused:

Do (remove trailing braces, add string and brace, check syn):
# Clear out the trailing braces
# Add string and brace and check syntax
  a "!")
  \<C-o>:redraw | normal! gs\<cr>
  \<C-r>=synIDattr(synID(line("."), col(".")-1, 0), "name")\<CR>
mandos commented 6 years ago

Sorry for resurrecting this zombie but I have similar issue for puppet syntax.

System Ubuntu 16.04 Vim 7.4 with extra patches: 8.0.0056 Neovim v0.2.3-dev Plugins:

First tests (space after todo) passed, in second one failing (no space after todo), it look like in line 35 I checked it in opened vim and syntax coloring looks fine and I got correct ID: hi<puppetTodo> trans<puppetTodo> lo<Todo> systack<vaderGiven, vader_puppet, puppetComment, puppetTodo>

How to reproduce: Repo https://github.com/mandos/vim-puppet.git Branch vader-issue All commands should be run from project root folder:

TESTVIM=vim test/run-tests.sh test/syntax/comment.vader

vim -u test/init.vim test/syntax/comment.vader
idbrii commented 6 years ago

@mandos FYI, you're using the new SyntaxAt which didn't exist when I reported this (I think). Possibly SyntaxAt should use the above redraw trick. Can you try that?