Using some different keybinding than ga doesn't help either.
Intero-neovim mainly does some communication with an Intero process over the neovim terminal to retrieve information like types of functions place of definition or evaluating code for haskell development.
How to reproduce:
Starting with a clean installation + vim-plug.
:call plug#begin('~/.local/share/nvim/plugged') Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align' Plug 'parsonsmatt/intero-neovim' call plug#end()
nmap ga(EasyAlign)
Open a file with a haskell extension. E.g:
nvim test.hs
In normal mode enter
Expected result:
Nothing happens so far, because the command is still missing a motion. Like
.Actual result:
Immediately after
easy align is activated and a motion following it would be interpreted as commands for easy align.Version:
NVIM 0.1.7 on ArchLinux
I reported the isssue to
here.More information:
Using some different keybinding than
doesn't help either.Intero-neovim mainly does some communication with an Intero process over the neovim terminal to retrieve information like types of functions place of definition or evaluating code for haskell development.