junegunn / vim-easy-align

:sunflower: A Vim alignment plugin
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rolling back to previous normal align #91

Closed zirho closed 8 years ago

zirho commented 8 years ago


How can I roll it back if the buffer when away. When I can not undo alignment.

import * as Utils                  from '../utils';
import * as TwitterApi             from '../apis/twitter';

It's kinda hard for me to figure out. Should I do it one by one?


junegunn commented 8 years ago

Should I do it one by one?

Yes, line by line. If you have the following mappings:

" Start interactive EasyAlign with a Vim movement
nmap ga <Plug>(EasyAlign)
nmap gaa ga_

gaa*<space> to align only the first line, then you move the cursor to the second line and hit . to repeat the same alignment (repeating with . requires tpope/vim-repeat).

zirho commented 7 years ago

Thank you!