junegunn / vim-peekaboo

:eyes: " / @ / CTRL-R
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pasting in the expression register `"=` #28

Closed rafaeln closed 7 years ago

rafaeln commented 9 years ago

If I enter in the expression register "=, either by doing <C-R>= in insert mode or "= in normal mode, and then try to paste something, as soon as I press ", the text Peekaboo is written on the commandline, and I can't paste anything unless I do the workaround of entering the commandline window with <C-F>.

junegunn commented 9 years ago

Hmm, I can't seem to reproduce. Are you running the latest version?

rafaeln commented 9 years ago

I was mistaken. This is not vim-peekaboo's fault. It's actually Cmd2.vim's fault. I would suggest, though, adding a note to vim-peekaboo's FAQ saying that if you use decide to use Cmd2.vim to implemente vim-peekaboo in commandline mode, you'll have issues pasting at all in the expression register commandline.