junegunn / vim-plug

:hibiscus: Minimalist Vim Plugin Manager
MIT License
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Missing status when PlugUpdate in Neovim #193

Closed vheon closed 9 years ago

vheon commented 9 years ago

In neovim I get:

Updated. Elapsed time: 7.766691 sec.

- Finishing ... Done!
- Post-update hook for vim-go ... Done!
- vim-argumentative: 
- vim-pandoc-syntax: 
- YouCompleteMe: 
- vim-scriptease: 
- vim-lion: 
- vim-colors-solarized: 
- vim-repeat: 
- vim-tmux: 
- vimerl: 
- ultisnips: 
- vim-pandoc: 
- vim-fish: 
- vim-go: 
- linediff.vim: 
- splitjoin.vim: 
- vim-commentary: 
- vim-java: 
- goyo.vim: 
- vim-rsi: 
- rust.vim: 
- vim-abolish: 
- MatchTagAlways: 
- vim-help-grimoire: 
- vim-fugitive: 
- LargeFile: 
- vim-sleuth: 
- vim-surround: 
- cpp-vim: 
- vim-visual-star-search: 
- vim-sensible: 
- vim-exchange: 
- ListToggle: 
- vim-dirvish: 
- vim-unimpaired: 
- inline_edit.vim: 
- tagbar: 
- vim-textobj-delimited: 
- ctrlp.vim: 
- vim-eclim: 
- lexima.vim: 
- vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight: 

while in vim I get:

Updated. Elapsed time: 8.328021 sec.

- Finishing ... Done!
- vim-fish: Already up-to-date.
- vim-pandoc-syntax: Already up-to-date.
- ultisnips: Already up-to-date.
- vim-go: Already up-to-date.
- vim-argumentative: Already up-to-date.
- YouCompleteMe: Already up-to-date.
- vim-lion: Already up-to-date.
- vim-repeat: Already up-to-date.
- vim-pandoc: Already up-to-date.
- vim-scriptease: Already up-to-date.
- vimerl: Already up-to-date.
- vim-tmux: Already up-to-date.
- vim-colors-solarized: Already up-to-date.
- command-t: Already up-to-date.
- linediff.vim: Already up-to-date.
- splitjoin.vim: Already up-to-date.
- vim-commentary: Already up-to-date.
- vim-java: Already up-to-date.
- goyo.vim: Already up-to-date.
- vim-rsi: Already up-to-date.
- rust.vim: Already up-to-date.
- vim-abolish: Already up-to-date.
- MatchTagAlways: Already up-to-date.
- vim-help-grimoire: Already up-to-date.
- vim-fugitive: Already up-to-date.
- vim-surround: Already up-to-date.
- vim-sleuth: Already up-to-date.
- LargeFile: Already up-to-date.
- ListToggle: Already up-to-date.
- cpp-vim: Already up-to-date.
- vim-sensible: Already up-to-date.
- vim-visual-star-search: Already up-to-date.
- vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight: Already up-to-date.
- inline_edit.vim: Already up-to-date.
- vim-unimpaired: Already up-to-date.
- vim-textobj-delimited: Already up-to-date.
- vim-dirvish: Already up-to-date.
- vim-eclim: Already up-to-date.
- vim-exchange: Already up-to-date.
- lexima.vim: Already up-to-date.
- tagbar: Already up-to-date.

I even tried to git reset --hard head~2 some plugin and in neovim the message are not present. @justinmk did the job API changed?

starcraftman commented 9 years ago

@vheon It appears to have been broke for a bit, I don't think they changed their api. What I see is control codes in the message result which must be filtered out during or prior to function s:log. I'll make a PR to fix.

You can see with this trace line at top of s:log: echomsg printf('%s %s : --%s--', a:bullet, a:name, a:lines)

Edit: Possibly they filtered control codes before??

junegunn commented 9 years ago

/cc @tarruda

tarruda commented 9 years ago

The API may have changed slightly, but it will have a breaking change soon, so I'd wait a few days before fixing this.

Here are the changes(the documentation has been updated) in case you guys want to prepare. It will be merged soon after the terminal branch.

tarruda commented 9 years ago

FWIW, when I open a PR for those changes I will also implement the jobwait function which can be used to block nvim until a set of jobs are complete.

starcraftman commented 9 years ago

@tarruda I see, thanks for heads up. I take it you aren't planning any major changes to jobs api after that?

@junegunn I guess no rush now, I might pre-evaluate the changes on a neovim fork to see.

tarruda commented 9 years ago

@tarruda I see, thanks for heads up. I take it you aren't planning any major changes to jobs api after that?

:+1: After that the job API wont have changes(though it might be extended)

junegunn commented 9 years ago

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