jung-kim / atom-ungit

Atom plugin for Ungit project
MIT License
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Package.activateResources is deprecated. #29

Closed campersau closed 9 years ago

campersau commented 9 years ago

The context menu CSON format has changed. Please see https://atom.io/docs/api/latest/ContextMenuManager

if (!_.isArray(value)) {
  deprecate("The context menu CSON format has changed. Please see\nhttps://atom.io/docs/api/latest/ContextMenuManager#context-menu-cson-format\nfor more info.", {
    packageName: this.name
  itemsBySelector = atom.contextMenu.convertLegacyItemsBySelector(itemsBySelector);

Looks like the context menus selector values should always be arrays. See https://github.com/atom/tabs/blob/master/menus/tabs.cson#L17-L19 for example.