jung-kurt / luahpdf

LuaHPDF is a module that lets you programmatically create PDF files using Lua.
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Additional fixes #6

Closed msva closed 7 years ago

msva commented 7 years ago

By the way, it will also be nice to merge features from @doub's fork, which he somewhy not PR'ed here :) IMHO, they're pretty useful

jung-kurt commented 7 years ago

Thanks, @msva

UseUTFEncodings is not part of the hpdf library on my machine. I'll look into that.

doub commented 7 years ago

FWIW I'm using libharu 2.3, and in the release ZIP the function is in the file src/hpdf_encoder_utf.c.

2016-07-25 12:59 GMT+01:00 Kurt Jung notifications@github.com:

Thanks, @msva https://github.com/msva

UseUTFEncodings is not part of the hpdf library on my machine. I'll look into that.

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jung-kurt commented 7 years ago

Thanks -- I'll upgrade and reinstate the call.