jungervin / SimPanel

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No data through to external PC #1

Open korruptcow opened 3 years ago

korruptcow commented 3 years ago

Hi there when I use an external PC I get the template but no data coming through. How to debug this?


jungervin commented 3 years ago


Is the simconnect was configured correctly? Look at SimConnect.cfg section => [SimConnect.6]: https://github.com/jungervin/SimPanel/blob/master/SimPanel/SimConnect.cfg

In this case SimConnect Config Index must be 6 on the settings page.

Maybe this picture will be usefull: https://github.com/jungervin/SimPanel/blob/master/Doc/simpanel_connection.svg

As I remember the firewall also need to be configured.

Best Regards!

korruptcow commented 3 years ago

Hi Well I was using sim 0. On the main PC i was running the linker software, the second PC is a Rpi so it's not windows. I go to the IP and I get the panel up, as in the PFD displays and initializes but no data seems to populate. I'll keep trying and try the other configs :). I would like a g3000 panel too I could try to make it :)

jungervin commented 3 years ago

I have forget say about the js settings. You can find it: https://github.com/jungervin/SimPanel/blob/master/SimPanel/HTML/js/settings.js

These ip addresses needs to be configured to the remote IP to get data: ws_sim: "ws://", ws_variables: "ws://",

Will be an RPi enough? I tried RPI3 but the FPS was so few... :)


korruptcow commented 3 years ago

The settings.js worked ! Now i need to figure how to scale the screen to fit the display :) Can you also do a panel for the g3000?

jungervin commented 3 years ago

All of svg items have scale method, but the best solution to apply the body scale in the style section of the html file. (On a mobile browser you need to request "Desktop site")

for eaxmple:

body {
  transform: scale(1, 1);
  transform-origin: 0 0;

At the moment I working on the overlapped G1000, so I cant work on G3000.

The new release will be come today, I hope ;)