junglegobs / ASoSEPOC

Interaction betwen resource adequacy and security of supply task in the EPOC project.
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Infeasible model when using AbsImb limits #11

Closed junglegobs closed 2 years ago

junglegobs commented 2 years ago

For the main_model_runs and the run base_UC=true_DANet=true_RSV=0.0_L⁺=1:10_L⁻=1:10_AbsIm=true) (opts_vec[39]) I get infeasibilities. I have since added slacks to the absimb constraints to see what that does and it's feasible, but even after 800 seconds there's no solution. I will try a quadratic penalty now to see if that helps.

junglegobs commented 2 years ago

Same thing - the model seems to use some sort of primal simplex (I think?), the objective keeps rising but the primal feasibility doesn't improve (residual stays at ~10^5).

junglegobs commented 2 years ago

So according to my model formulation, I should be applying box constraints, but I'm only doing the following:

    gep[:M, :constraints, :MaxAbsNodalImbalance] = @constraint(
        [n = N, l = L⁺, y = Y, p = P, i = 1:length(T)],
        dL⁺[n, l, y, p, T[i]] - abs_slack_L⁺[n, l, y, p, T[i]] <= d_max[n][i]
    gep[:M, :constraints, :MinAbsNodalImbalance] = @constraint(
        [n = N, l = L⁻, y = Y, p = P, i = 1:length(T)],
        dL⁻[n, l, y, p, T[i]] + abs_slack_L⁻[n, l, y, p, T[i]] >= d_min[n][i]

This will only further complicate my results however, and in fact I think that I will have to re-run all the AbsImb results.

junglegobs commented 2 years ago

Same behaviour as before, trying with a lower slack (was originally 10^3, now 1).

EDIT: With lower slack, same shit as before (but may have forgotten to include the GEPPR.jl file to effect the changes). If I don't have the limits on the imbalances, then it solves in ~ 30 seconds.

EDIT: If I have no penalty in the objective, solves in 15 seconds.

junglegobs commented 2 years ago

Woo! so if I have a penalty of 1 for the slack variables, I'm at least able to get into the branch and bound part of the algorithm after ~90 seconds. Will increase time out and report back on the non zero values of the slacks.

junglegobs commented 2 years ago

Hmmm, ok, increasing the time out didn't help. Will reduce slack further, as I need to get to the bottom of this.

junglegobs commented 2 years ago

Focusing just on the positive slack (summing up the absolute values of the slack):



Ugggh, It seems those edge effects are at play again... I think...

junglegobs commented 2 years ago

This is the dispatch:


From closer inspection at the commitment, generation and storage scheduling, I don't see much amiss (at least on the aggregate level): storage discharges before and after the spike in PV output (assuming that the load shedding is a legend error, which it seems to be given the lack of load shedding), generation doesn't deviate much around 9 GW and commitment stays at 22 pretty much the whole day.

Reserve dispatch:


I don't know why it's curtailing downward reserves quite honestly... I'm starting to think that the graph I plotted before is not correct in fact.

junglegobs commented 2 years ago

Amount of slack used increases with the reserve level, which makes sense:

julia> L_sum = sum(abs.(abs_slack_L⁺.data), dims=(1,3,4,5))[:]
10-element Vector{Float64}:

Also the slack values are zero for the downward reserve levels interestingly enough:

julia> sum(abs.(abs_slack_L⁻).data)

julia> sum(abs_slack_L⁺.data)

julia> sum(abs.(abs_slack_L⁺).data)

And the slack is mostly positive for negative imbalances (i.e. activating upward reserves), implying that the model is unable to make the nodal imbalances negative enough in order to satisfy the network reserve level activation constraints...

junglegobs commented 2 years ago

Looking at the figure for the imbalances at the nodal level, I'm wondering if the slack is activated for nodes which shouldn't have any nodal imbalances. This appears to be the case for Doel at least (see picture of imbalance ranges below). If I investigate the slack value for Doel at a particular timestep, that might be helpful.


junglegobs commented 2 years ago

Slack values for Doel imbalance (legend = reserve levels)


The slack is negative, implying that the imbalance must be positive (i.e. additional load at Doel) to ensure feasibility. Not sure where to go from here...

Similar figure for Herderen (which should also have no imbalances:)


junglegobs commented 2 years ago

I cam to the conclusion that the only real reason I can think of for which this should lead to infeasibilities is the unit commitment constraints. If I relax these I get the following for Herderen:


Will try pushing the penalty up further and see if there's an improvement? EDIT: Seems so


I will add an option for slacks or not and see whether the linear model can deal with it.

junglegobs commented 2 years ago

Ok so this is strange. All model runs from this script work, and the only difference I can concieve of is that I changed the number of reserve levels included in the redispatch. Looking at the above though I thought that this shouldn't change anything since it was the higher reserve levels that were the issue, but I suppose that there is an interaction due to the reserve provision needing to be feasible for all reserve levels.

junglegobs commented 2 years ago

Ok, so yeah, when I run [this script]() the solver takes much longer to reach the correct solution:

 1045807    6.0236457e+08   8.105409e+04   0.000000e+00    405s
 1051193    6.0236473e+08   3.072497e+04   0.000000e+00    410s
 1055764    6.0236521e+08   2.035136e+03   0.000000e+00    415s
 1066285    6.0236522e+08   0.000000e+00   0.000000e+00    418s

Root relaxation: objective 6.023652e+08, 1066285 iterations, 415.33 seconds

    Nodes    |    Current Node    |     Objective Bounds      |     Work
 Expl Unexpl |  Obj  Depth IntInf | Incumbent    BestBd   Gap | It/Node Time

     0     0 6.0237e+08    0   51          - 6.0237e+08      -     -  418s
     0     0          -    0               - 6.0237e+08      -     -  600s

And then it times out, sad times.

junglegobs commented 2 years ago

Results from 4 day analysis below. Closing this issue, don't think it was ever an issue to begin with!
